20 Best Bobby Brady Quotes

Carol: [exasperated] Oh, the peace and quiet of home.
[Greg and Marcia begin to argue heatedly in the background]
Bobby: That doesn't sound very quiet.
Cindy: And not very peace.

Cindy: [all hear a loud slamming noise] What was that?
Carol: [taken aback] Ub, hey, wa, it's probably the wind, uh, banging against the shutters.
Alice: That would be a good guess, Mrs. Brady, if there *was* a wind, and we had shutters.

Greg: Hey Pete, remember the night you ran into the bathroom door and they had to tape four stitches in your nose?
Peter: Yeah, and the dent's still in the door.
Greg: And the time Bobby tried to climb up the television lead-in.
Bobby: Yeah, and the antenna came down and hit me right on the head.
Peter: You had a bump on your head for 3 weeks.
Greg: What about the time I fell off the garage roof?
Peter: Right through the top of Dad's new convertible.
Greg: I busted 3 ribs and the gearshift handle.
Peter: Oh boy.
Greg: Yeah, we've had some good times in this house.

Mike: [looking at the fake snow flakes] Say, what are these?
Bobby: Corn flakes.
Carol: Corn flakes?
Cindy: We sprayed white paint on them.
Jan: A dozen boxes.
Marcia: And a bag of mashed potato flakes.
Carol: Corn flakes and mashed potato flakes?
Mike: That's an expensive snow storm.
Alice: [tasting one] Pretty fattening, too.

Greg: [looking at the broken vase] Mom's favorite vase.
Bobby: She always said, don't play ball in the house.

Bobby: How come girls do dumb things and they don't even know it's dumb?
Peter: 'Cause they're dumb!

Bobby: Geez, I can't wait to get started. Grand Canyon! Wow!
Mike: Well, it's not just the canyon, Bob. Now we can learn all about the Indian tribes that live there like the Havasupai, the Hopi, the Hualapai, the Navajo.
Peter: How'd they get such strange names?
Mike: Well, each name means something, Pete. Like Havasupai, for instance, means "Great People of Blue-Green Running Water."
Bobby: How about my name, Dad? Does Bobby mean anything?
Peter: Yeah. It means little man with great, big running mouth!

Jethroe: Jesse James killed my father.
Bobby: He did?
Jethroe: Shot him in the back, that's how he usually shot them, too cowardly to face them I guess.
Bobby: I can't believe that, Mr. Collins.
Carol: He's telling the truth, Bobby.

Marcia: [Marcia lost her Diary and is accusing one of the boys of taking it] Okay, if you hand it right over, I won't press charges
Greg: What are you talking about?
Marcia: As if you didn't know.
Peter: Bobby, do you know what she's talking about?
Bobby: No. Greg, do you know what she's talking about?
Greg: No. Marcia, do you know what you're talking about?
Marcia: I certainly do, someone in this room took my diary.
Greg: Your diary, you mean you actually keep one of those stupid things?
Bobby: What's a diary?
Peter: It's a book, that you write things, that you don't want anyone else to know.
Bobby: Why?
Greg: So, you could write stuff like
[Greg then sits at his desk imitating Marcia writing in her diary]
Greg: "Dear diary, at last I met him, my dream man, it was at the delicatessen and our fingers tingled as we reached over for the same potato salad."
[the boys laugh]
Marcia: [shouts] I have never written any ridiculous thing like that in my diary!
Peter: You didn't?
Marcia: [shouts] I should say not!
Greg: Then, why are you afraid that somebody might read it?
Marcia: None of your business.

Cindy: [chasing Bobby into the kitchen where Alice is mopping] Jesse James, you're under arrest!
Bobby: No way, you can't arrest me here.
Cindy: Why not?
Bobby: I just crossed the Rio Grande River, THIS is Mexico.
Alice: Well vamoose you caballeros, because all of Mexico is going to get mopped up.

Bobby: [as Alice is packing] If you're going to miss us why are you going
Alice: Because I have to.
Cindy: Who says?
Greg: Mom told you, dummy! She has to go to Seattle.
Cindy: Do you like Attle better than us?
Alice: What?
Cindy: They said you were going to see Attle
Greg: No! Seattle's a *place*. Like Mississippi.
Cindy: Mrs. who?
[Greg rolls his eyes]

Capt. McCartney: [looking at pictures of the alleged UFO] This could be anything. Weather balloon, reflection, swamp gas.
Bobby: We don't have a swamp in our backyard.

Bobby: Mom always says not to play ball in the house!

Bobby: [as Mike gets back in the boys' tent and into his sleeping bag] And how are we supposed to get any sleep with the girls along?
Mike: That's enough, Bobby.
Peter: The trouble with them is they get scared at every little sound.
Mike: Didn't you hear me? I said that's enough.
Peter: Well, you said it to Bobby, not to me.
Mike: Well, I'm saying it to you now.
[points to Greg]
Mike: And before YOU open your big mouth, I'm saying it to you, too.

Carol: [to Peter and Bobby about their Indian cues] Do you guys know what you're supposed to do?
Peter: We attack the fort.
Bobby: Yeah, attack the fort.
Greg: No, you're friendly Indians. You come in peace.
Peter: We don't attack?
Greg: No.
[turns around]
Greg: Now, Alice...
Peter: [to Carol] Couldn't we attack the fort and then make friends?
Carol: Peter, Greg does not want an attack.
Bobby: Then what do you need Indians for?
Greg: [exasperated] Dad?
Mike: Bobby, the Indians were friendly, at first. They didn't start fighting until their land was taken away.
Bobby: You mean the Pilgrims took away all the Indians' land?
Mike: That's right. Well, at first, they didn't take much of it.
Peter: Then how about not much of an attack?

Bobby: Thanks, Cindy. If you weren't a girl, I'd kiss you!

Cindy: That terrible noise woke us up!
Bobby: What do you suppose it was?
Alice: [a loud creaking sounds] Or is?
Carol: Well sometimes a loose board will make a house creak.
Cindy: You sound just like Daddy.

Greg: Cellophane wrapping paper. Two fish lines. They go over that beam, out the window, down to the girls' room.
Peter: Well how did they get the voice in the trunk?
Carol: [reaches in the trunk] Ah! Tape recorder.
Marcia: We ran the line down to our room and turned it on when we were ready.
Mike: Very ingenious.
Bobby: That's no fair. You tricked us.
Marcia: Well you tricked us.
Mike: Okay, everybody's even now. Joke over.
Carol: Yeah, fun is fun. But you know if you carry joking too far, somebody can end up getting hurt.
Greg: But the girls will get our allowances.
Carol: May I remind you of your famous quote: "Poorer but wiser, which is more important?"
Greg: Zapped again.

Man: [Bobby and Cindy ring his doorbell, seeking signatures on a petition to save a park] What do you want?
Bobby: Will you please sign a petition, mister?
Cindy: To save Woodland Park.
Man: Save it from what?
Bobby: They want to put up a crumby old building
Cindy: And it's the only park left where us kids can play.
Bobby: Mom says it belongs to the PEOPLE!
Man: [Disgusted] You radicals sure start young.
[Slams door shut]
Cindy: What's a radical?
Bobby: [Shrugs] I guess it's somebody who likes to play in parks.

Greg: How old are you?
Bobby: Eleven.
Greg: It's amazing.
Bobby: What is?
Greg: How anyone could get so stupid in such a short time!