The Best Claudia Jennings Quotes

Buddy: Oh, this guy's terrific. What a find! I hope he fits the suit.
Tami: He will. I never miss.

Buddy: [coming in with the completed track] What a session! What a groovy session!
Tami: I can't wait to hear the tape.
Buddy: Oh, you're outta sight baby, you're outta sight.
Greg: Did I really sound all right?
Tami: Hang loose and listen.
Buddy: Hey mama, you seen him, you dug him, here he is with the beat that's sweet, and the jive that's alive, your very own muchacho, Johnny Bravo!
[Music plays, Greg's voice is edited beyond recognition]
Greg: [flabbergasted] That's ME?
Tami: The NEW Johnny Bravo sound, it's GOTTA be a hit!
Buddy: No other way! Whatt'ya think, star?
Greg: What happened to my voice?
Buddy: Well, just a little electronic sleight-of-hand.
Greg: It's terrible. you can't even hear the words,
Buddy: [laughing] Well of course not!
Greg: [switching off music] That's not the way I sound.
Buddy: You? Now c'mon baby, don't be gettin' hung up on an ego trip. I mean, who cares how *you* sound. We're after *the* sound. There's a lotta *work* in that record!
Greg: Then what do you need me for?
Tami: Because *you* fit the suit!
Greg: The suit? Is that the reason you wanted me? Because I fit the *suit*?
Buddy: Well,there's an awful lotta bread in those threads, baby!