The Best Brendan Robinson Quotes

Hanna: Hey...
[as he toys with his fries]
Hanna: Can I have some of those?
Lucas: Have them all. I may never eat again.
Hanna: Ugh.
Hanna: The rat fall in the fry oil again? Because last time...
Lucas: It's not the food. It's... Danielle.
Hanna: Yearbook Danielle? What's wrong?
Lucas: What's right? Ever since you helped me score a date with her, my stomach has been like... a rat fell in my fry oil. I'm completely off my game.
Hanna: Lucas, you don't have a game.

Lucas: [in his loft apartment] So, do I get an invitation to the wedding?
Hanna: Of course you do.
Lucas: I was half expecting to meet Jordan when I got here.
Hanna: Yeah, well, he's a little phobic of small towns. He thinks they exist only to escape from.
Lucas: [snickers] Hmm-mm. I used to think that.
Hanna: What changed your mind?
Lucas: Big cities.
[Hanna nods]

Danielle: [after Hanna brought cool drink] This blows.
Lucas: What? I'm having a good time. Are you?
Danielle: I would be. I like you, but...
Danielle: Tell me you haven't noticed that she keeps checking you out?
Lucas: [laughs] Hanna? Uh, I don't think so.
Danielle: She comes over here, like, every twenty seconds. She's totally still into you.
Lucas: Well, then, why would she bring Caleb?
Danielle: To make you jealous.
[smiles, shakes her head]
Danielle: Aren't you?
Lucas: No.
Danielle: I would be.

Lucas: This sucks. The first time I get to photograph a real tornado, and they shove us in a room without windows.
Hanna: You don't want to see a real tornado.
Mona: [behind Hanna and lucas] Of course he does. He needs to get to Oz so he can ask the Wizard for a penis.
Hanna: Mona, can I talk to you for a sec?
[Hanna and Mona break off from the group]
Hanna: Why can't you leave him alone? I mean, what has he ever done to you besides remind you that two short years ago, we were him?
Mona: He bugs me.
Hanna: Yeah. Well, I think you're the one who needs a trip to Oz. See if the Wizard can find you a heart.

Mona: Don't be naïve. We can't just call the thing off.
Lucas: Sure we can.
Mona: Did somebody spit in your cornflakes this morning? Why are you suddenly bugging out?
Lucas: I'm not. I'm just having second thoughts. She was held in a basement. Okay? Alison was kidnapped and blindfolded. And I don't even wanna think about what else. Hasn't the universe punished her enough?

Lucas: Can you look a little less shocked?
Hanna: I am not shocked, I'm impressed.

Hanna: Lucas, you've been treating me like a bedbug for weeks. We came here for a good cause and to have fun. Why can't we have fun? I love this song.
Lucas: I hate this song.
Hanna: You love this song.
Lucas: You're right, I love this song.
Hanna: Well, come on, let's bust a move.
[leads him to the dance-floor]
Hanna: Let's go.