The Best Candy Baker Quotes

[Blaine asks his funeral make-up artist, Candy Baker a question]
Blaine: You know what I fear more than death?
Candy: Love?
Blaine: Unrealized potential.
Candy: Oh.
Blaine: I am overflowing with potential, and I'm tapping every last drop.

Candy: Did Blaine really tell the mayor he could have me on the house, and we'd go all night?
Don: Yes. In fairness, the whole city is on lockdown. So, it's not as if you could leave anyway.
Candy: So I may as well just stay here and spank Mayor Freakfest for eight hours?
[Waves at him with false nicety]
Candy: Hi...
[Back To Don E]
Candy: Is that what's happening?
Don: Blaine always has a good reason for doing what he does.
[Stares at her breasts]
Don: I usually just motorboat with it.