20 Best Drake Holloway Quotes

[Drake thanks Liv for saving his life by turning him into a zombie]
Drake: Thank you. And I guess I should thank you for saving my life too, huh?
Olivia: You may want to wait a couple weeks. See if you still feel grateful.

[Drake gets dressed for work when Liv asks him out to dinner for the following night]
Drake: Work called. G-Rad got attacked by a drunk bachelorette. Girl nearly took his eye out with a penis straw. They need me to go down there and cover the door.
Olivia: How about dinner tomorrow? I make a mean brain ziti.
Drake: Yeah. Sounds great. Wait. Is that another lie?

[last lines]
Peyton: [before leaving Liv's home, Peyton tells Liv with tears down her eyes] You know, you sleep with someone, you think you know them. But they could be anybody. Good night.
Drake: [as Liv walks into her bedroom, seeing Drake in bed] Everything okay?

[first lines]
Drake: [Liv walks into her bedroom, seeing Drake in bed] Everything okay?
Olivia: Yeah. Just helping a friend. Sorry I took so long.
Drake: Don't be sorry. Watching you crawl back into bed is not a bad thing.

[last lines]
Drake: [Drake talks to his mother on the phone] Yeah, Ma. Yeah, Ma. Ma, I gotta go.

[Blaine tells Drake that he needs to eat brains as a zombie]
Blaine: You were dying, and in an effort to save you... Well, we had a zombie scratch you. I may have buried the lead here. Zombies are a real thing.
Drake: So the fact that I crave...
Blaine: Brains? Yeah, that's a zombie thing. But fear not, everything's gonna be just fine. If you follow my instructions, you'll have all the brains you need.
Drake: I need brains.
Blaine: [Blaine chuckles] Sorry. Wow. I am really rusty at the 'Welcome to Team-Z' speech. I should've made pamphlets.

[Drake tells Liv about where he got the scar above his right eye]
Drake: My dad split, my mom had a string of loser boyfriends. The worst was this mean drunk named Frank. So, I'm 19. I come home and my mom's eye is swollen shut. Blood down the front of her shirt. Frank's just sitting in front of the TV with his hands in his shorts, calling out for another beer like nothing happened. And I just snapped. Went after him. He pulled a knife, that's how I got this. The prosecutor said I went a bit overboard, because Frank still can't walk. Or feed himself.
Olivia: I'm glad you told me.
Drake: Well, I usually wait until date five or six to spring the whole ex-con thing on a girl.

[Drake's mother tries to tell Liv that she can give her a makeover]
Drake: I took a couple of cosmetology classes at the community college. I could give you a little makeover!
Drake: She's beautiful, Ma!
Drake's: Yeah, so is the sun, but you can't stare directly at it.

[Liv tells Drake they can still have sex after the erotica-brain wears off]
Olivia: Here's the plan. If we're still interested when this brain wears off a bit, we can pick up where we left off. But right now, we can't do this.
Drake: [Drake clears his throat] Story of my life. Zombie date sends me away until horny-brain wears off.
[as Drake kisses Liv's forehead]

[Drake approaches erotica-librarian-brain Liv]
Drake: I would've called you but I don't have your number.
Olivia: Babe...
Olivia: [Drake squints] Ruth.

[Drake tells the tatted lab tech that the two of them can have a brave off]
Tatted: Look at you. The brave one.
Drake: Why don't you put the cattle prod down? We can have a brave-off.
Drake: [the lab tech hesitates] Yeah, that's what I thought.

[Drake tells Liv his mom's kitchen sink is leaking and it's an emergency]
Drake: [Drake receives a phone text] I am so sorry, can we reschedule? My mom's kitchen sink is leaking. Which I know doesn't sound like an emergency, but if I don't handle it, she'll call 911.
Olivia: Buzzfeed teaches us that when a man abruptly changes his plans, he's up to no good.

[Drake tells Detective Benedetto to arrest him if they want to talk again]
Drake: Right, well, if you forgot anything, just haul me in, cold-cock me, and we can talk.
Detective: Cold what you?

[Liv makes out with Drake on the table]
Olivia: Wait! I'm taking advantage of you.
Drake: I don't think that's true.
Olivia: [Drake continues kissing Liv] Wait. I roofied you with horny-librarian brain.
Drake: That's a first.

[Liv sees Drake while she's on the erotica-brain]
Drake: Liv.
Olivia: [Liv takes a deep breath] God help me.

[Blaine tells Drake that he's a zombie]
Blaine: How familiar are you with the movie... Dawn of the Dead?
Drake: I've seen it.
Blaine: Remember how that group of survivors barricaded themselves inside of a mall?
Drake: Yeah.
Blaine: You're what's outside of the mall. You're a zombie.

[Liv meets Drake's mother as Drake works on her sink]
Drake's: She's got the coloring of a paper towel, but I'm not supposed to say anything.
Drake: [Drake scoffs] I'm sorry. She tends to say the first thing that pops into her head.

[Liv tells Drake that she'd like to get to know him more]
Drake: So, here's the thing... if I can't deal with Blaine anymore, you think I could, um... get brains from you? From here?
Olivia: I don't really know you.
Drake: Oh. No, I totally get it. I'll make the Blaine situation work.
Olivia: But I'd like to know you.
Drake: [Drake chuckles] Yeah? Just say when.

[erotica-librarian-brain Liv tells Drake that this is the brain making out with him]
Olivia: She hadn't gotten laid in years. This really isn't me.
Drake: This isn't, uh, far from me. Really, I would've been willing pre-brain. Pre-zombie. Pretty much anywhere after my 12th birthday.

[Drake is asked a question by the man carrying a machete]
Ink: Do you know who I am?
Drake: [Drake looks at Ink's open jacket] A big Danny Trejo fan?