The Best Captain Yates Quotes

[Jo brings the hungry Sergeant Benton some food]
Sergeant: Ah, you've saved my life.
Captain: [offscreen] Sergeant Benton!
Sergeant: [jumping to attention] Sir!
[to himself]
Sergeant: Oh, no.
Captain: [entering] Just what do you think you're up to, Benton?
Sergeant: Uh, I was just checking, sir.
Captain: Yes, well I want you to go and check on number 3 patrol. Move, Sergeant Benton.
Sergeant: Sir.
[he leaves]
Captain: Jo, how thoughtful.
[he helps himself to the cheese and wine that Benton didn't even get to touch]
Jo: That wasn't very kind of you.
Captain: RHIP, Jo.
Jo: Pardon?
Captain: Rank Has Its Privileges.