The Best Danny Pink Quotes

Danny: Are you really going to go for a drink with me?
Clara: Yeah, course I am. Why wouldn't I?
Danny: I just thought...
Clara: Thought what?
Danny: I thought you might have a rule against soldiers.
Clara: No, not at all.
[to herself]
Clara: Not me.

The: It was the first thing I noticed when I stepped in here. You must have seen it too, you've got eyes out to here.
Clara: Seen what?
The: The universe is dead. Everything that ever was is dead and gone. There's nothing beyond this door but nothingness forever. So, why is it locked?
Danny: Please. Don't make me spend another night here.
The: Afraid of the dark, but the dark is empty now.
Danny: No, No it isn't.

Danny: Nice frock. It's a bit wet.
Clara: Freak shower.
Danny: Was that seaweed?
Clara: I said freak.

Danny: It's funny, you only really know what someone thinks of you when you know what lies they've told you.

Danny: I just get nervous.
Clara: Me too.
Danny: I don't even know what I'm nervous of.
Clara: I'll show you.

Danny: [addressing cadet squad students] Attention! Look at you lot! I've never seen such a miserable bunch! What are you? Children?
Fleming: Yes, sir.
Danny: You think you're being funny, Fleming?
Fleming: Yes, sir.
Danny: All right, me too. Dismissed!

Danny: I know men like him. I've served under them. They push you and make you stronger, 'til you're doing things you never thought you could. I saw you tonight. You did exactly what he told you. You weren't even scared.
Danny: And you should have been.
Clara: I trust him. He's never let me down.