The Best Clara Oswald Quotes

Clara: We are rehearsing a play.
[makes shushing noises]
Clara: A surprise play!

The: Danny isn't real. Danny Pink died saving the world.
Danny: I really didn't.
The: I'm sorry. I thought there was a way back for him, but I was wrong. I can't change that. He's dead.
Danny: I didn't die saving the world, Doctor, I died saving Clara. The rest of you just got lucky. How long has she got?
The: Minutes, till it's irreversible.
Danny: Well then, get out the way.
[the Doctor moves aside and Danny walks up to Clara]
Danny: I'm a dream and you know I am, right?
[Clara nods]
Danny: Right, one thing. But it's important. It's a very important thing. That is totally how you guessed all of my presents.
Clara: I miss you.
Danny: Five minutes.
Clara: What?
Danny: You can miss me for five minutes a day. And you'd better do it properly. You'd better be sad. I expect my five. But all the rest of the time, Clara, all the rest of the time, every single second, you just get the hell on with it. Clear?
Clara: Don't you soldier me.
Danny: Do as you're told.
The: Brave.
Danny: Dead already. How does she wake up?
The: I don't know. Just try. Accept this isn't real, and try.
Danny: Do it. For me.
Clara: [crying] When I wake up, you won't be there.
Danny: Do you know why people get together at Christmas? Because every time they do, it might be the last time. Every Christmas is last Christmas, and this is ours. This was a bonus. This is extra. But now it's time to wake up.
[Danny and Clara kiss]

Clara: You're a fairy tale! I grew out of fairy tales.
Santa: Did you, Clara? Did you really?
[the Tardis materializes]

Danny: I know men like him. I've served under them. They push you and make you stronger, 'til you're doing things you never thought you could. I saw you tonight. You did exactly what he told you. You weren't even scared.
Danny: And you should have been.
Clara: I trust him. He's never let me down.

Clara: Doctor. Am I young?
The: No idea.
[Gets a mirror for her to look in]
The: Is that any good?
Clara: Oh, that's good.
The: The Tardis is outside.
Clara: So?
The: So, all of time and all of space is sitting out there. A big blue box. Please, don't even argue.
[Clara thinks about it with a big grin on her face, then gives him her hand and kisses his cheek]
Clara: Merry Christmas, Doctor.
The: Merry Christmas, Clara Oswald.

Clara: Doctor, is there an alien in this school?
The: Yes, me.

The: Fish people.
Clara: What are they like?
The: Fish and people. Come and see.

Clara: You can't do this. You cannot pass yourself off as a real person among actual people!
The: I lived among otters once, for a month... well I sulked. River and I, we had this big fight...
Clara: Human beings are not otters!
The: Exactly. It'll be even easier.

The: [about Danny Pink] You never told me he was dead. You said he made it back.
Clara: I lied. I lied so you'd go home to Gallifrey instead of fussing about me.
The: I never found Gallifrey. I lied so you'd stay with Danny.

[first lines]
Clara: There's no way out of this. We're going to die here.
The: Pass me the vibro-cutters.
Clara: They're in my pocket.
The: Come on, then, pass them to me.
Clara: In my other jacket. At home.
The: Why have you got two jackets? Is one of them faulty?

The: Just focus on this, do you believe in Santa Claus?
Clara: I've always believed in Santa Claus. But he looks a little different to me.
[gives the Doctor a big hug]

Danny: Nice frock. It's a bit wet.
Clara: Freak shower.
Danny: Was that seaweed?
Clara: I said freak.

Clara: I underestimated you.
The: It's easily done. There's a lot to estimate.

Santa: I've got three words for you. Don't make me use them.
Clara: What three words?
Santa: My Little Pony.