The Best Debi Newberry Quotes

Debi: [about the man Martin killed at the reunion] He was trying to kill you, right?
Marty: Yes.
Debi: It wasn't the other way around?
Marty: No.
Debi: Is it something you've done?
Marty: It's something I do... professionally, for about five years now.
[He lifts the gun in his hand]
Debi: [Gasps] You were joking! People joke about the horrible things they *don't* do, they don't *do* them! It's absurd!
Marty: When I left, I joined the Army, and when I took the service exam, my psych profile fit a certain... "moral flexibility" would be the only way to describe it. I was loaned out to a CIA-sponsored program and we sort of found each other. That's the way it works.
Debi: So, you're a government spook?
Marty: Yes, I mean no. I was before but I'm not now... but that' all irrelevant, really. The idea of government, nations is public relations theory at this point.
Debi: Don't. I don't wanna hear about the theories. I wanna hear about the dead people. Explain the dead people.

Debi: So, is there a Mrs. Mysterio?
Martin Q. Blank: No, but I do have a very nice cat?
Debi: Not the same.
Martin Q. Blank: Well, you don't know my cat, it's very demanding.
Debi: "It"? You don't know if it's a boy or girl?
Martin Q. Blank: I respect its privacy.

Debi: Everybody's coming back to take stock of their lives. You know what I say? Leave your livestock alone.

[Martin gives Debi a bouquet of flowers]
Debi: I'll go put these in some rubbing alcohol.

Debi: What is this I'm feeling? Is it pain? Panic? Hunger? Am I hungry? Who's hungry?

Debi: Some people say forgive and forget. Nah, I don't know. I say forget about forgiving and just accept. And... get the hell out of town.

Debi: Where are all the good men dead, in the heart or in the head?

Debi: How come you never learned that it was wrong? That there are certain things you do not do, you do not do in a civilized society?
Marty: Which civilizations are we talking about?
Debi: Oh, shut up!
Marty: I mean, history...
Debi: Shut up!

Debi: You know what you need?
Marty: What?
Debi: Shakabuku.
Marty: You wanna tell me what that means?
Debi: It's a swift, spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever.
Marty: Oh, that'd be good. I think.

Debi: You're a fucking *psycho*.
Marty: Don't rush to judgment on something like that until all the facts are in.

Debi: If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's, well, broken.

Debi: I should have worn a skirt.
Marty: I should have brought my gun.
Debi: What was that?
Marty: Should be fun!

Debi: You're a psychopath.
Marty: No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for *money*. It's a *job*. That didn't come out right.