The Best Marcella Quotes

Marcella: [Marcella dances around the office, pouring gasoline all over everything, pounding on computers with a hammer, throwing bits of equipment across the room, all the while humming cheerfully to herself. The phone rings]
Marcella: Hello?
Marty: Are we out of business yet?
Marcella: [sing-song] I am taking down the office now.

Marcella: Sir, I'm really beginning to worry about your safety.
Marty: Look, I got to go.
Marcella: Yeah, we all got to go sometime, sir, but we can choose when.
Marty: No one chooses when.

Marcella: You can take care of business and stop by Grosse Pointe for your reunion...
Marty: Look, Sergeant Pepper, I really need you to shut up about that.
Marcella: Sir, it's out of my hands. The gods want you to go back home and they want you to delete someone while you're there.

Marcella: Don't hang up! Wait! Did ya' read yesterday's offer?
Marty: Hold on a minute.
Marcella: It's in French. It's a Greenpeace boat. It'd be so easy.
Marty: No way! I have scruples.

Marcella: You know, when you started getting invited to your ten-year high school reunion, time is catching up.
Martin Q. Blank: Are you talking about a sense of my own mortality or a fear of death?
Marcella: Well, I never really thought about it quite like that.
Martin Q. Blank: Did you go to yours?
Marcella: Yes, I did. It was just as if everyone had swelled.

Marty: Why are you so interested in me going to my high school reunion?
Marcella: I just find it amusing that you came from somewhere.

Marcella: Sir, they're very unhappy.
Martin Q. Blank: I'm very unhappy.
Marcella: It was supposed to look like a heart attack! He was supposed to die in his sleep!
Martin Q. Blank: Well, he moved.