The Best Denton Van Zan Quotes

Denton: You see they have great vision during the day, and even better vision at night. But in the failing light, they can't focus. Magic hour.

[referring to the dragons]
Denton: Ever see a male?
Quinn: When I'm running for my life I generally don't look back at the plumbing.

Van: It was your idea to come to London.
Alex: Yeah, well that was at thirty five thousand feet.
Van: Yeah. Well life has a way of turnin' that different though don't it?

Denton: Envy the country that has heroes, huh? I say pity the country that needs them.

Denton: There's nothing magical about it. They're made of flesh and blood. You take out their heart you bring down the beast.

Denton: These things live on death and feed on ash.

Denton: What are you doing here, Quinn?
Quinn: You're standing on ground where I've buried hundreds. This my land. I'll ask the questions. What are YOU doing here?

Denton: We have paid a terrible price, and now we've got a chance to make a difference. We will.

Denton: Envy the country that has heroes, huh? I say pity the country that needs 'em. What are you celebrating? One dragon down, three men dead? Oh, yeah. At that rate, we might just be getting somewhere in about 320 years. Is that what you want? You want a little accommodation? Nuh-uh. These beasts live on ash. They feed on death. There's no middle ground... not for them, not for us. And sure as hell not for my men who died out there today. But you go ahead. Have your little... soiree. Personally, you disgust me.

Denton: Look out that window, Eden isn't burning its burnt.

Denton: The name's Van Zan. Kentucky Irregulars.
Quinn: You're a long away from home, Van Zan. You lost?
Denton: Rebuilt a National Guard C-5A. Flew it 8,000 miles on 2 engines and tried to set it down on the old strip outside of Manchester. Lost 122 men and most of my fuel. We need shelter and a place to refit artillery. We'll be out of your hair by 1800 hours tomorrow.
Quinn: That's a good story. Especially the bit about the plane, but there hasn't been anything in the air for 20 years. That's their territory.
Denton: It's my territory. It's *your* territory. Their just rentin' it.

Denton: [shows dragon tooth] You ever seen one of these? Not many men have. Got it off the first one I killed.
Quinn: The plane was better. So now you're a dragon killer. That's not even original.
Denton: It was in a wheat field just south of Coffeyville, Kansas. It was late November. It's a month of mist. And we were caught in the open. The sun was setting behind us. There was nowhere to run. Twice it came in on us, and twice it missed the heart of us. And that's when I had an epiphany.

Denton: Coffeyville. It's etched in American history because the outlaw Dalton boys were killed there. Ordinary townsfolk rose up and took 'em down.
Quinn: Maybe you're the Dalton boys.
Denton: No, no... We're the townsfolk.

Denton: We're going to London.
Quinn: Good luck. It's that way.

Denton: [to Quinn in the castle] I lead, you follow.
Denton: [to Quinn in London with Alex] You lead, we follow.