The Best Creedy Quotes

Creedy: [about his homemade liquor] Creedy's own black label. Aged two weeks in a steel barrel. Now, the secret's swallowing fast. That way it only burns your stomach and not your throat.
[takes a gulp and coughs]

[after Quinn let Van Zan in]
Creedy: I'm sure you have a perfectly good explanation for this, but I'm buggered if I know what it is.
Quinn: He's a Dragon Slayer.
Creedy: What?
Quinn: A Dragon Slayer.
Creedy: Oh, he's a Dragon Slayer. I suppose that would make you King Arthur does it?

Quinn: Anything happens, you know what to do.
Creedy: Uh no. I have no idea.
Quinn: Me neither.

Creedy: Only one thing worse than a dragon... Americans.

Creedy: Marauders. Years since we've seen them. Well, look at the bright side - at least we're not alone.