The Best Izabella Scorupco Quotes

Natalya: Do you destroy every vehicle you get into?
James: Standard operating procedure. Boys with toys.

Roberts: [to the group that will be pulling off the job] This is Mike.
Sabina: Is he any good or just eye candy?
Roberts: Like I said, he's the man with the technical skills to get we need done. This is Sabina, this is Gregor, and that's Jan over there.
Jan: Hi
[In a heavy accent]
Gregor: Can I pour you a pint?
Vaughn: I don't usually drink until the jobs finished.
Gregor: You drink with me, or cut bullets with Jan. Your choice...
Vaughn: Yeah... Well, how about I do neither and you tell me why the Hell we're here.

Natalya: He was a friend, Trevelyan?
James: Yes.
Natalya: Now he's your enemy and you will kill him. It is that simple?
James: In a word, yes.
Natalya: Unless he kills you first?
James: Natalya...
Natalya: You think I'm impressed? All of you with your guns, your killing, your death. For what? So you can be a hero? All the heroes I know are dead. How can you act like this? How can you be so cold?
James: It's what keeps me alive.
Natalya: No. It's what keeps you alone.

[last lines]
Quinn: If they come, they'll burn, we'll build. Or maybe I'll just kill 'em.
Alex: And here I thought optimism was against your nature.
Quinn: It's a recent development.
Alex: [laughs] Well, here's to evolution.

Sabina: [Sabina and Vaughn are doing a job and talking about Vaughn being CIA] I went through the training program, Camp Perry. The CIA was looking for female agents with Russian language skills. They rejected me.
Vaughn: Yeah, you're probably better off.

[Bond and Natalya are trying to escape from the train when Trevelyan talks to them on the loudspeaker]
Alec: Good luck with the floor James. I've set the timers for six minutes, the same six minutes you gave me. It was the least I could do for a "friend".
Natalya: What does he mean?
James: We've got three minutes.

Natalya: On the train, when you told him to kill me, and that I meant nothing to you, did you mean it?
James: Yes. Basic rule: always call their bluff.

Sabina: [Sabina is cleaning Vaughn's wounds] I've seen worse. Use a few stitches I suppose.
Vaughn: That won't be necessary.
Sabina: Fine, let it scar, who knows it may toughen you up again. I saw the look on your face when I killed that guard. I saved your life
Vaughn: Thanks...
Sabina: Don't tell me you're torn up inside. I thought you agency boys were tougher than that.
Vaughn: It was him or me, I'm okay with that.
Sabina: Could've fooled me, you haven't stopped brooding since we left the hospital.
Vaughn: Well, maybe it's because I don't like being here... With *you*.
Sabina: You know what I think?
[Sabina moves in closer to Vaughn and whispers in his ear]
Sabina: This is exactly where you want to be.
[She kisses his neck, and moves her kisses closer to his mouth]
Sabina: [Vaughn acts like he is going along with it until she is off guard and quickly turns angry and pins her to the bed]
Vaughn: Consider this the second time you've been rejected by the CIA.

Van: It was your idea to come to London.
Alex: Yeah, well that was at thirty five thousand feet.
Van: Yeah. Well life has a way of turnin' that different though don't it?

Dimitri: Good morning, Mr. Bond. Sit. I'm Defense Minister Dimitri Mishkin. So, by what means shall we execute you, Commander Bond?
James: What, no small-talk? No chit-chat? That's the trouble with the world today. No one takes the time to do a really sinister interrogation anymore. It's a lost art.
Dimitri: Your sense of humour does not sway me, Commander, I'm sorry. Where is the GoldenEye?
James: I assumed you had it.
Dimitri: I have an English spy, a Severnaya programmer and a helicopter stolen...
James: ...or at least that's what some traitor in your government wanted it to look like.
Dimitri: Who was behind your attack on Severnaya?
Natalya: Oh, stop it, both of you! Stop it! You're like boys with toys!