The Best Dillon Freasier Quotes

[They stand at a map]
Paul: This is us, here. Spur Station, here at Little Boston. The Sunday ranch is what you're looking for. There's a sheep trail that takes you there. It's a mile out of town, headed west, not far. Just through a small pass here, near the base of the hills. You'll pass a church, and just follow the sheep trail.
Daniel: Where's Standard buying up?
Paul: [pointing at map] Here, and here.
Daniel: And your family name is Sunday, yes?
Paul: That's right.
Daniel: How many's in your family?
Paul: My father and mother and sisters, and my brother, Eli.
H.W. Plainview: How many sisters do you have?
Paul: Two.
Daniel: What's your name?
Paul: Paul.
Fletcher: Does any of your family know about the oil that you say is there?
Paul: I don't know. Uh, my uncle always said there was oil there, but I don't know what they heard or what they think.
Fletcher: What do you grow?
Paul: It's goats. Uh, it's a goat farm. I told you, nothing grows but weeds.
Fletcher: Is there water?
Paul: It's salty. You drill a well, it's hard not to get salt water. The oil is there. I'm telling you. I want to go now, so...
Daniel: Uh, you can stay tonight.
Paul: No, I want to go now. I wanna leave.
Daniel: Listen, Paul... If I travel all the way up there and I find that you've been lying to me, I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna take more than my money back. Is that all right with you?
Paul: Yes, sir.
Daniel: All right then.
Paul: Nice luck to you and God bless.
Daniel: And to you, young man.

H.W. Plainview: How much are we gonna pay them?
Daniel: Who's that?
H.W. Plainview: Sunday family.
Daniel: Well, I'm not gonna give them oil prices. I'll give them quail prices.

Daniel: [Paul Sunday has offered to sell Plainview information] Why'd you come to me?
Paul: You just brought this well in?
Daniel: That's right.
Paul: Yes, so just give me five hundred dollars in cash, right now, and I'll tell you where it is.
Daniel: I'll tell you what I'll do, son. I'll give you a hundred dollars now and, if it proves to be a promising lease, then give a thousand dollar bonus...
Paul: Six hundred dollars.
Daniel: Just tell me one thing to help me decide. What else have you got up there. What do you grow?
Paul: We have a big ranch, but it's mostly rocks. We can plant things; nothing will grow but weeds. What makes you think it's up?
Fletcher: Is there sulfur around, or alkali deposits?
Paul: Alkali, nearby. I don't know sulfur.
[notices H.W]
Paul: Is that your son?
Daniel: Yes.
Paul: [to H.W] Hi.
H.W. Plainview: Hi.
Paul: [to Fletcher] Who are you?
Fletcher: I'm Fletcher Hamilton. Nice to meet you, son. What's your name?
Paul: What do you do?
Fletcher: I work with Mr. Plainview.
Daniel: Here's five hundred dollars. You tell me something worth hearing, this money's yours.
Paul: I come from a town called Little Boston, in Isabella County.