The Best James Downey Quotes

Daniel: What's this? Why don't I own this? Why don't I own this?
Al: That's the Bandy tract. He was the holdout, when we were doing the buying? He had hoped to speak with you. Can't you just build the pipeline around this tract?
Daniel: Can I build around fifty miles of Tehachapi Mountains? Don't be thick in front of me, Al.
Al: I can go to him again...
Daniel: No, I'll go and talk to the man. I'll talk to him, show you how it's done.

Audience: Uh, yeah... this isn't so much a question about you, but I'm a big Twin Peaks fan, and I was kind of wondering: are we going to find out this year who killed Laura Palmer?
Kyle: Yeah, its... uh.. it's Shelly the waitress, and uh... they're going to reveal that in the last episode, so... Any, eh... any more questions, or...? Okay. Look, we've got a great show tonight. Sinead O'Conner is here.