The Best H.M. Tilford Quotes

Daniel: I want you to look over there.
[points towards H.W]
H.M. Tilford: Daniel, let me introduce you...
Daniel: Look over there. You see? That's my son. You see him?
H.M. Tilford: Yes.
Daniel: You SEE?
H.M. Tilford: I see him.
Daniel: You don't tell me how to raise my family. I told you not to tell me how to raise my family.
H.M. Tilford: Daniel...
Daniel: So, what do you see?
H.M. Tilford: I'm very happy for you that...
Daniel: Yes, I've made a deal with Union. My son is happy. He's safe.
H.M. Tilford: Congratulations.
Daniel: I'm taking care of him now, so...
H.M. Tilford: Excellent.
Daniel: You look like a fool, don't you, Tilford?
H.M. Tilford: [long pause] Yes.
Daniel: J-j-j-j-j-j-yes. Yes, you do.
H.M. Tilford: [embarrassed] Excuse me gentlemen...
Daniel: Oh, excuse me gentlemen. Excuse him, gentlemen.
Daniel: [to Tilford] I told you what I was gonna do.
[drinks Tilford's whiskey]

H.M. Tilford: How's your boy?
Daniel: Thank you for asking.
H.M. Tilford: Is there anything we can do?
Daniel: "Thanks for asking" is enough.

H.M. Tilford: We'll make you a millionaire while you're sitting here from one minute to the next.
Daniel: What else would I do with myself?
H.M. Tilford: You asking me?
Daniel: What else would I do with myself?
H.M. Tilford: Take care of your son. I don't know what you would do.
Daniel: If you were me and Standard offered to buy what you had for a million dollars, why? So, why?
H.M. Tilford: You know why.
Daniel: Yeah, you fellows just scratch around in the dirt and find it like the rest of us instead of buying up someone else's hard work.
J.J. Carter: [defensively] I've scratched around the dirt, son.
Daniel: You gonna change your shipping costs?
H.M. Tilford: We don't dictate shipping costs. That's railroad business.
Daniel: O-oh! You don't own the railroads? Course you do. Of course you do.
H.M. Tilford: Where you gonna put it all? Where? Build a pipeline, make a deal with Union Oil? Be my guest, but if you can't pull it off, you've got an ocean of oil under your feet, with nowhere to go. Why not turn it over to us? We'll make you rich. You spend time with your boy. It's a great discovery. Now let us help you.
Daniel: [after a long pause] D'you just tell me how to run my family?
H.M. Tilford: It might be more important now that you've proven the field and we're offering to buy you out.
Daniel: [stares at Tilford for a long moment] One night, I'm gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm gonna cut your throat.
H.M. Tilford: What? What are you taking about? Have you gone crazy, Daniel?
Daniel: Did you hear what I said?
H.M. Tilford: I heard what you said. Why did you say it?
Daniel: You don't tell me about my son.
H.M. Tilford: Why are you acting insane and threatening to cut my throat?
Daniel: You don't tell me about my son.
H.M. Tilford: I'm not telling you anything! I'm asking you to be reasonable. If I've offended you, I apologize.
Daniel: [leans towards him] You'll see what I can do.

Daniel: [Daniel has covered his face with a napkin] So Standard offered us a million dollars for the Little Boston leases, and I told H. M. Tilford where he could shove that, and we made a deal with Union! On the pipeline! And that whole ocean of oil underneath our fields!
H.M. Tilford: [to his tablemates] ... 150,000 dollars...
Man: We needed the money to drill.
Man: I go out to meet him. He's getting oil on the property. We're trying to make a claim on it. Offered him a million dollars. Turned us down flat.
Daniel: [growing frustrated] All right.
[stands up, walks over and leans in to Tilford's face]
Daniel: I want you to look over there.
[points towards H.W]
H.M. Tilford: Daniel, let me introduce you...
Daniel: Look over there, you see. That's my son. You see him? You SEE?
H.M. Tilford: I see him.
Daniel: You don't tell me how to raise my family. I told you not to tell me how to raise my family. So, what do you see?
H.M. Tilford: I'm very happy for you that...
Daniel: Yes, I've made a deal with Union and my son is happy and safe.
H.M. Tilford: Congratulations. Excellent...
Daniel: I'm taking care of him now, so... You look like a fool, don't you Tilford?
H.M. Tilford: [long pause] Yes.
Daniel: Y-y-y-yes, you do.
H.M. Tilford: [embarrassed] Excuse me gentlemen...
Daniel: Oh, excuse me gentlemen. Excuse him, gentlemen.
[to Tilford]
Daniel: I told you what I was gonna do.
[drinks Tilford's whiskey]