The Best Divya Narendra Quotes

Cameron: What, do you want to hire an IP lawyer and sue him?
Divya: No, I want to hire the Sopranos to beat the shit out of him with a hammer!
Tyler: We don't even have to do that.
Cameron: That's right.
Tyler: We can do that ourselves. I'm 6'5", 220, and there's two of me.

Divya: Everybody on campus was using it. "Facebook me" was the common expression after two weeks. And Mark was the biggest thing on a campus that included 19 Nobel laureates, 15 Pulitzer prize winners, 2 future Olympians and a movie star.
Sy: Who's the movie star?
Divya: Does it matter?

Divya: You invented something in high school too, right?
Mark: An app for an MP3 player that recognizes your taste in music.
Divya: Anybody try to buy it?
Mark: Microsoft.
Divya: Wow. How much?
Mark: Didn't sell it, uploaded it for free.
Divya: For free?
Mark: Yeah.
Divya: [Looking a little puzzled] Why?
[Mark shrugs]