The Best Marylin Delpy Quotes

Marylin: What are you doing?
Mark: Checking in to see how it's going in Bosnia.
Marylin: Bosnia. They don't have roads, but they have Facebook.
[Mark says nothing]
Marylin: You must really hate the Winklevosses.
Mark: I don't hate anybody. The "Winklevii" aren't suing me for intellectual property theft. They're suing me because for the first time in their lives, things didn't go exactly the way they were supposed to for them.

Mark: I invented Facebook.
Marylin: I'm talking about a jury. I specialize in voir dire - jury selection. And what the jury sees when they look at the defendant. Clothes, hair, speaking style... likability.
Mark: Likability?
Marylin: I've been licensed to practice law for all of 20 months and I could get a jury to believe you planted the story about Eduardo and the chicken. Watch what else. Why weren't you at Sean's sorority party that night?
Mark: You think I'm the one who called the police?
Marylin: Doesn't matter. I asked the question and now everyone's thinking about it. You've lost your jury in the first ten minutes.

[last lines]
Marylin: You're not an asshole, Mark. You're just trying so hard to be.

Marylin: The site got twenty-two hundred hits within two hours?
Mark: Thousand.
Marylin: I'm sorry?
Mark: Twenty-two *thousand*.
Marylin: [to herself] Wow.

Mark: I'm not a bad guy.
Marylin: I know that. When there's emotional testimony, I assume that 85% of it is exaggeration.
Mark: And the other fifteen?
Marylin: Perjury. Creation myths need a Devil.

Mark: I was drunk, and angry, and stupid...
Marylin: ...and Blogging.
Mark: And Blogging.