The Best Dr. Eliza Minnick Quotes

Dr. Stephanie Edwards: I deep-fried a rapist. I dove through a wall of fire. I did not do all of that so that this little girl could die, okay? I saved her. I saved her. I saved her. I saved her, Dr. Bailey. We need to finish saving her right now and I need you out of my face!
Dr. Eliza Minnick: Dr. Bailey!
Dr. Miranda Bailey: You heard her. Get out of her face.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: [to Eliza] You want to go back to my place? Sleep it off? Or maybe do some other stuff before we sleep it off? And by "other things," I mean sex. You want to go have some overly-tired sex?
Dr. Eliza Minnick: I shouldn't. I have to pack up.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Pack up what?
Dr. Eliza Minnick: I just got fired.

Dr. Eliza Minnick: If anyone could follow protocol around here, Edwards would be perfectly fine right now.
Dr. Catherine Avery: I'm sorry. What?
Dr. Eliza Minnick: She was supposed to be in counseling, but Dr. Webber over here decided she should be able to work today. If you hadn't completely undermined me...
Dr. Miranda Bailey: Then a little girl would be dead! Dr. Minnick, I don't believe that there's a place for you in my hospital any longer.
Dr. Catherine Avery: Dr. Bailey, hold on.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: It's Chief Bailey and I am not holding on. She is holding on. She is clinging to these procedures and protocols and cannot see when to let go in order to save the life of a patient. A child! I do! I know! Because I was taught right. Dr. Edwards certainly knew, because she was taught right. This is not some factory that turns out surgical robots. We make doctors, thinking, feeling, human doctors. And we will teach them right.