The Best Dr. Nathan Riggs Quotes

Dr. Nathan Riggs: [to Meredith] I'm sorry.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Don't. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't apologize. If this were Derek, I would've already been gone.

Dr. Maggie Pierce: [to Nathan] You don't owe me an explanation, obviously, but you're a good guy and a great surgeon, and I just... Why?
Dr. Nathan Riggs: I didn't lie to Meredith.
Dr. Maggie Pierce: It's fine. Forget it.
Dr. Nathan Riggs: Look, everything I told her was true. There was a patient. There was a helicopter. I just left some parts out. The part where we fought... where I cheated... where I failed the best person I've ever met, the only woman I've ever loved. And those parts are for me and Megan. You're right. I don't owe anyone that. I made a mistake, a big one and I've paid for it ever since.

Dr. Nathan Riggs: They look happy.
Dr. Meredith Grey: They do.
Dr. Nathan Riggs: That won't last. I'm not saying I don't want it to. I'm not just being an ass.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Actually.
Dr. Nathan Riggs: This has never been my experience of happiness. That it lasts.

Dr. Nathan Riggs: What is that, an alarm?
Dr. Amelia Shepherd: Code Pink. Missing kid.
Dr. Nathan Riggs: Huh. It's almost relaxing.
Dr. Amelia Shepherd: They don't want to freak people out.
Dr. Nathan Riggs: It seems like they would want that.