The Best Elisha Henig Quotes

Julian: When do you stop being guilty? When is it over?

Mohammed: Did you know I could be President of the United States?
Elliot: Yeah?
Mohammed: My sister couldn't be. She wasn't born here. My mom and dad couldn't either. I'm the only person in my family who could be President. Isn't that cool?
Mohammed: If I were President I would be able to stay here, in the house we live in. I would find a way to bring back my sister. I'd put the real bad guys in jail. And... And I'd make everyone eat Pop Tarts for dinner. And then make everyone be nice to me.
Elliot: So you'd be a dictator.

Mohammed: I wish you were dead!
Elliot: So do I!

Jackie: Jared, you are too old to make up stories
Jared: I don't make up stories!
Jackie: That spider bite, that rendered you unable to do your homework?
Jared: I could have gone blind

Elliot: What are you doing?
Mohammed: Sitting here.
- You don't own the beach.
- Are you serious, man?
- Your parents are probably really worried about you.
- I told you. I don't need a babysitter.
- Besides, I don't wanna go home.