150 Best Emilia Clarke Quotes

Daenerys: You freed your brother.
Tyrion: I freed my brother and you slaughtered a city.

Daenerys: Dracarys!

Jorah: [no sign of Jon after he disappeared below the ice] We should go, Your Grace.
Daenerys: A bit longer.

Daenerys: If my brother was given an army of Dothraki, could he capture the Seven Kingdoms?
Ser: The Dothraki have never crossed the narrow sea. They fear any water their horses can't drink.
Daenerys: But if they did?
Ser: King Robert is fool enough to meet them in open battle. But the men advising him are different.
Daenerys: And you know these men?
Ser: I've fought beside them once. Long ago. But now Ned Stark wants my head. He drove me from my land.
Daenerys: You sold slaves.
Ser: Aye.
Daenerys: Why?
Ser: I had no money, and an expensive wife.
Daenerys: Where is she now?
Ser: In another place. With another man.

[Daenerys has just learned that Jorah was pardoned by King Robert]
Daenerys: This pardon was signed the year we met. Why were you pardoned? Unless you're saying this document was forged?
Jorah: It is not forged.
Daenerys: Why, then?
Jorah: I sent letters to Varys, the Spymaster of King's Landing.
Daenerys: And what was the content of these letters?
Jorah: Information.
Daenerys: What information?
Jorah: When you and Viserys arrived in Pentos, his plan to marry you to Khal Drogo, when you were married, when your brother died...
Daenerys: You told them I was carrying Drogo's child?
Jorah: I...
Daenerys: Yes or no?
Jorah: Khaleesi...
Daenerys: [angrily] Don't call me that. Did you tell them I was carrying Drogo's child?
Jorah: Yes.
[Daenerys stands and approaches Jorah]
Daenerys: That wine merchant tried to poison me because of your information.
Jorah: I stopped you from drinking his wine.
Daenerys: Because you knew it was poisoned.
Jorah: I suspected.
Daenerys: You betrayed me. From the first.
[Jorah falls on his knees]
Jorah: Forgive me, I never meant... please, Khaleesi, forgive me...
Daenerys: [bitterly] You sold my secrets to the man who killed my father...
Jorah: I have protected you. Fought for you. Killed for you.
Daenerys: ...and stole my brother's throne. You want me to forgive you?
Jorah: [lowers his gaze] I have loved you.
Daenerys: Love? LOVE? How can you say that to me? Any other man and I would have you executed, but you, I do not want you in my city, dead or alive. Go back to your masters in King's Landing, collect your pardon, if you can.
[Jorah stands, approaches Daenerys and tries to touch her hand]
Jorah: Daenerys, please...
[Daenerys raises her right hand]
Daenerys: [angrily] Don't EVER presume to touch me again, or speak my name. You have until dusk to collect your things and leave this city. If you are found in Meereen past break of day, I'll have your head thrown into Slaver's Bay. Go. Now.
[brokenhearted, Jorah turns his back to Daenerys and walks away]

Daenerys: [long day of hearing complaints] How many more?
Missandei: There are two hundred and twelve supplicants waiting, Your Grace.
Daenerys: [aghast] Two hundred and twelve?
[inwardly sighs]
Daenerys: Send the next one in.

Razdal: The wise Masters of Yunkai have sent a gift for the silver queen.
[Razdal's slaves bring forward chests and open them, revealing many gold bars]
Razdal: There is far more than this awaiting you on the deck of your ship.
Daenerys: My ship?
Razdal: Yes, Khaleesi. As I said, we are a generous people. You shall have as many ships as you require.
Daenerys: And what do you ask in return?
Razdal: All we ask is that you make use of these ships. Sail them back to Westeros where you belong, and leave us to conduct our affairs in peace.
Daenerys: [briefly contemplates the slaves] I have a gift for you as well. Your life.
Razdal: My life?
Daenerys: And the lives of your wise Masters, but I also want something in return. You will release every slave in Yunkai. Every man, woman, and child shall be given as much food, clothing, and property as they can carry as payment for their years of servitude. Reject this gift and I shall show you no mercy.
Razdal: You are mad. We are not Astapor or Qarth. We are Yunkai and we have powerful friends; friends who would take great pleasure in destroying you. Those who survive, we shall enslave once more. Perhaps we'll make a slave of you as well!
[Razdal stands. One of the dragons menaces him]
Razdal: You swore me safe conduct.
Daenerys: I did, but my dragons made no promises. And you threatened their mother.
Razdal: Take the gold.
[the slaves move to obey, but the dragons frighten them off]
Daenerys: My gold. You gave it to me, remember? And I shall put it to good use. You'd be wise to do the same with my gift to you. Now get out.

Daenerys: If I'm going to rule in Westeros, I'll need to make alliances. The best way to make alliances is with marriage.
Daario: Who are you marrying this time?
Daenerys: I don't know. Maybe no one.
Daario: But you need to lure all the noble houses to the table? Are you a queen or fish bait?
Daenerys: I can't bring a lover to Westeros.
Daario: A king wouldn't think twice about it.
Daenerys: So that's what you want? To be my mistress?
Daario: I'm not proud. I don't care what perfumed aristocrat sits beside you in the throne room. I don't want a crown. I want you. I love you. And I make you happy. You know I do. Bring me with you. Let me fight for you.
Daenerys: I can't.
Daario: The dwarf told you to do this?
Daenerys: No one tells me to do anything.
Daario: Clever fellow. Can't argue with his logic. I'm no use to you over there.

Tyrion: It's easy to confuse what is with what ought to be, especially when what is has worked out in your favor.
Hizdahr: I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about the necessary conditions for greatness.
[Daenerys gestures to the fighting arena, where a man has just been beheaded]
Daenerys: *That* is greatness?
Hizdahr: That is a vital part of the great city of Meereen, which existed long before you or I and will remain standing long after we have returned to the dirt.
Tyrion: My father would have liked you.

Daenerys: [referring to Cersei] We'll rip her out root and stem.
Tyrion: The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying King's Landing.

Daenerys: Angry snakes lash out. It makes chopping off their heads that much easier.

Cersei: If those things come for us there, will be no kingdoms to rule. Everything we suffered will have been for nothing. Everything we lost will have been for nothing. The crown accepts your truce. Until the dead are defeated, they are the true enemy. In return, the King in the North will extend this truce. He will remain in the North where he belongs. He will not take up arms against the Lannister's. He will not chose sides.
Daenerys: Just the King in the North? Not me?
Cersei: I would never ask it of you. You would never agree to it. And if you did, I would trust you even less than I do now. I ask it only of Ned Stark's son. I know Ned Stark's son will be true to his word.
Jon: I am true to my word. Or I try to be. That is why I cannot give you what you ask. I cannot serve two queens. And I have already pledged myself to Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen.
Cersei: Then there is nothing left to discuss. The dead will come North first. Enjoy dealing with them. We will deal with whatever is left of you.

Daenerys: I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and I will!
Jon: You'll be ruling over a graveyard if we don't defeat the Night's King.
Tyrion: The war against my sister has already begun. You can't expect us to halt hostilities and join you in fighting... whatever you saw beyond the wall.
Davos: You don't believe him? I understand that, it sounds like nonsense. But if destiny has brought Daenerys Targaryen back to our shores, it has also made Jon Snow King in the North. You were the first to bring Dothraki to Westeros? He is the first to make allies of wildlings and Northmen. He was named Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, he was named King in the North, not because of his birthright. He HAS no birthright, he's a damn bastard! All those hard sons of bitches chose him as their leader, because they believed in him. All those things you don't believe in, he faced those things, he fought those things for the good of his people. He risked his life for his people. He took a knife in the heart for his people. He gave his own...
[Davos trails off as Jon looks at him]
Davos: If we don't put aside our enmities and band together, we will die. And then it doesn't matter whose skeleton sits on the Iron Throne.
Tyrion: If it doesn't matter, then you might as well kneel. Swear your allegiance to Queen Daenerys, help her to defeat my sister, and together, our armies will protect the North.
Jon: [irritably] There's no time for that. There's no time for any of this! While we stand here debating...
Tyrion: It takes no time to bend the knee. Pledge your sword to her cause.
Jon: [angrily] And why would I do that?
[Jon speaks to Daenerys]
Jon: I mean no offense, Your Grace, but I don't know you. As far as I can tell, your claim to the throne rests entirely on your father's name, and my own father fought to overthrow the Mad King. The lords of the North placed their trust in me to lead them, and I will continue to do so as well as I can.

Susan: Thinkin' is painful. Knowin' things is painful.

Jorah: King Joffrey Baratheon is dead. Murdered at his own wedding.
Barristan: And we have taken the Meereenese navy, Your Grace.
Daario: The Second Sons took the Meereenese navy.
Daenerys: [sharply] Who told you to take the navy?
Daario: No one.
Daenerys: So why did you do it?
Daario: [casually] I heard you liked ships.
Daenerys: How many ships?
Barristan: 93, Your Grace.
Daenerys: How many men can they carry?
Barristan: 9,300, not counting sailors.
Daenerys: Would that be enough to take King's Landing?
Jorah: The Lannisters have more.

Daenerys: When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!

Jon: [allowed to mine dragonglass] So, do you believe me about the Night King and the Army of the Dead?
Daenerys: [reserves her opinion] You better get to work, Jon Snow.

Daenerys: [about Drogo] This is not life. When will be as he was?
Mirri: When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When seas go dry. When mountains blow in the winds like leaves.

- And in astapor, the council you installed to rule over the city has been overthrown by a butcher named cleon who's declared himself
- "his imperial majesty."
Daenerys: Please leave me.
- Not you, jorah.

Daenerys: [to Viserys] I am a Khaleesi of the Dothraki! I am the wife of the great Khal and I carry his son inside me! The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands.

[last lines]
Daenerys: Shall we begin?

Bronn: [aims his launcher as the dragon comes swooping in] Come on, you fucker!
Daenerys: [gives Drogon the command to spit fire] Dracyris!

Daenerys: How can I rule seven kingdoms if I can't control Slaver's Bay? Why should anyone trust me? Why should anyone follow me?
Jorah: You're a Targaryen. You're the Mother of Dragons.
Daenerys: I need to be more than that. I will not let those I have freed slide back into chains. I will not sail for Westerns.
Jorah: What, then?
Daenerys: I will do what queens do. I will rule.

Tyrion: If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms.
Ellaria: It's called war. If you don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding.
Tyrion: I know how you wage war. We DON'T poison little girls here. Myrcella was innocent.
Ellaria: She was a Lannister. There are no innocent Lannisters. My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you.
Daenerys: [interrupts] That's enough! Lord Tyrion is Hand of the Queen, you will treat him with respect. I am not here to be Queen of the Ashes.
Olenna: That's very nice to hear. Of course, I can't remember a queen who was better loved than my granddaughter. The common people loved her, the Nobles loved her, and what is left of her now? Ashes. Commoners, Nobles, they're all just children, really. They won't obey you unless they fear you.
Daenerys: I'm grateful to you, Lady Olenna, for your counsel. I'm grateful to all of you, but you have chosen to follow me. I will not attack King's Landing. WE will not attack King's Landing.

Daenerys: And you're sure there's no other way?
Ser: If we go south to the land of the Lhazareen, the Lamb Men will kill us and take your dragons. If we go west to the Dothraki Sea the first khalasar we meet will kill us and take your dragons.
Daenerys: No one will take my dragons.

Tyrion: I'd very much like to believe that Jon Snow is wrong, but a wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it.
Daenerys: Which wise man said this?
Tyrion: I don't remember.
Daenerys: Are you trying to present your own statements as ancient wisdom?
Tyrion: I would never do that... to you.

Daenerys: Lord Tyrion tells me your father was a terrible king.
Yara: You and I have that in common.

Susan: You find out what a man's made of when you catch him by surprise.

Daenerys: Lord randyll tarly, dickon tarly,
- I, Daenerys of house Targaryen, first of my name, breaker of chains and mother of dragons, sentence you to die.
- Dracarys.

Jon: Your family hasn't seen its end. You're still here.
Daenerys: I can't have children.
Jon: Who told you that?
Daenerys: The witch who murdered my husband.
Jon: Has it occurred to you she might not have been a reliable source of information?

Hizdahr: [after Queen Daenerys distances herself from being a politician] Forgive me. You're right, of course. Still... it's easier to rule happy subjects than angry ones.
Daenerys: I don't expect the Wise Masters of Yunkai to be happy. Slavery made them rich. I ended slavery.
Hizdahr: They do not ask for the return of slavery. They ask for the reopening of the fighting pits.
Daenerys: The fighting pits? Where slaves fought slaves to the death?
Hizdahr: In the new world that you've brought to us, free men would fight free men. The pit fighters you liberated plead for this opportunity. Bring some here and ask them yourself.
Daenerys: [adamant] No fighting pits.
Hizdahr: Opening them would show the people of Yunkai and Meereen that you respect their traditions.
Daenerys: I do not respect the tradition of human cockfighting.
Hizdahr: If you could...
Daenerys: [angrily] How many times must I say no before you understand?

Daenerys: I haven't given you permission to leave.
Jon: With respect, Your Grace, I don't need your permission. I am a king. Now I came here, knowing that you could have your men behead me or your dragons burn me alive. I put must trust in you. A stranger. Because I knew it was the best chance for my people. For ALL our people. Now I'm asking you to trust in a stranger because it's our best chance.

Daenerys: I don't want to be his queen. I want to go home.
Viserys: So do I. I want us both to go home, but, they took it from us. So tell me, sweet sister, how do we go home?
Daenerys: I don't know.
Viserys: We go home with an army. With Khal Drogo's army. I would let his whole tribe fuck you - all forty thousand men - and their horses too if that's what it took.

Tyrion: There's something you need to know.
Daenerys: Someone has betrayed me.
Tyrion: Yes.
Daenerys: Jon Snow.
Tyrion: [shakes his head] Varys.
Daenerys: He knows the truth about Jon.
Tyrion: He does.
Daenerys: Because you told him. You learned from Sansa. And she learned from Jon. Even though I begged him not to tell her. As I said: He betrayed me.
Tyrion: I'm glad Sansa told me. I'm the Hand. I need to be aware of any threats you're facing.
Daenerys: And Varys?
Tyrion: Your Master of Whisperers should be aware too.
Daenerys: You spoke to him first... without telling me. Without asking my permission.
Tyrion: It was a mistake.
Daenerys: Why do you think Sansa told you? What do you think she had to gain?
Tyrion: She trusts me.
Daenerys: She trusts...? She *trusted* you to spread secrets that could destroy your own Queen.
[shakes her head]
Daenerys: And you did not let her down.
Tyrion: If I have failed you, my Queen, forgive me. Our intentions were good. We wanted what you want, a better world for all of us. Varys as much as anyone. Though it doesn't matter now.
Daenerys: No. It doesn't matter.
[turns her back on him and continues looking forlornly out the window]

Ser: The common people pray for rain, health, and a summer that never ends. They don't care what games the high lords play.
Daenerys: What do you pray for, Ser Jorah?
Ser: Home.

Daenerys: And what about you? You know that I'm taking you to war. You may get hungry, you may fall sick, you may be killed.
Missandei: Valar morghulis.
Daenerys: Yes, all men must die. But we are not men.
[Missandei smiles]

- Kill the masters.
Daenerys: How are the lessons coming?
Missandei: Very well, your grace.
- Missandei is teacher good, my queen.
- You'll have to continue later.
- It's time.

- There is only one war that matters.
- The great war.
- And it is here.
Daenerys: I didn't believe it until I saw them.
- I saw them all.
- How many?
- Hundred thousand at least.

[Daenerys is to be wed to a barbarian conqueror]
Viserys: I need you to be perfect today. Can you do that for me? You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?
Daenerys: No.
Viserys: [nods, goes off, turns back] When they write the history of my reign, sweet sister, they'll say that it began today.

Susan: That's the way the devil comes. He don't come to you as evil. He don't come to you on fire. He comes as everything you ever wanted. He comes to you as you.

- Khal drogo will make a gift of them to the slavers, and the slavers will give us gold...
- And silk, and steel.
Daenerys: I thought the Dothraki didn't believe in money.
- Gold to hire ships, Princess, ships to sail to Westeros.

Daenerys: [at the banquet table] To Arya Stark, hero of Winterfell!

Doreah: You will make him like it, Khaleesi. Men want what they never had. And the Dothraki take slaves like a hound takes a bitch. Are you a slave, Khaleesi?
[Daenerys shakes her head]
Doreah: Then don't make love like a slave.
[Daenerys hesitates, then flips Doreah over so Daenerys is on top]
Doreah: Very good, Khaleesi! Out there he is the mightly Khal, but in this tent, he belongs to you.
Daenerys: I... I don't think this is the Dothraki way.
Doreah: If he wanted the Dothraki way, why did he marry you?

Susan: Like he'd stepped out of a dream where nothin' ever went wrong.

Daenerys: I'm here to free the world of tyrants. That is my destiny. And I will serve it no matter the cost!

- So we learn much about them, or we do not live long.
- They teach me what they are.
- Mercy, fair trial, these mean nothing to them.
- All they understand is blood.
Daenerys: Thank you all for your counsel.

Daenerys: [learns that Jorah has greyscale] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Jorah: Don't be. All I've ever wanted was to serve you. Tyrion Lannister was right. I love you. I'll always love you. Goodbye, Khaleesi.
[walks away because he has to]
Daenerys: Do not walk away from me, Jorah the Andal. You have not been dismissed. You pledged yourself to me.
Daenerys: You swore to obey my commands for the rest of your life.
[Jorah looks down, acknowledging this]
Daenerys: Well, I command you to find the cure... wherever it is in this world.
[tearfully: ]
Daenerys: I command you to heal yourself... and then return to me. When I take the Seven Kingdoms, I need you by my side.
[he nods]

[at the arena, Jorah Mormont appears before Daenerys. She is not pleased to see him]
Daenerys: [to the guards] Get him out of my sight.
Jorah: Khaleesi, please, I just need a moment of your time. I brought you a gift.
[as the guards start dragging Jorah away, Tyrion steps into the arena]
Tyrion: It's true. He has.
Daenerys: Who are you?
Tyrion: I'm the gift. It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace. My name is Tyrion Lannister.
[Daenerys gapes at Tyrion]

Fennesz: Even if they are safe, who would I be there? What purpose would I serve? With my master, I was a teacher. I had the respect and love of his children.
Daenerys: What is it that you want from me?
Fennesz: Your Grace, I ask you to let me sell myself back to Master Mighdal.
Daenerys: You want to return to a man who owned you like a goat or a chair?
Fennesz: Please, Your Grace. The young may rejoice in the new world you have built for them, but for those of us too old to change, there is only fear and squalor. I am not alone. There are many outside waiting to beg the same of you.
Daenerys: I did not take this city to preside over the injustice I fought to destroy. I took it to bring people freedom. But freedom means making your own choices.

Daenerys: Your brother was stopped trying to get past our lines.
- It seems he hasn't abandoned your sister after all.
- The next time you fail me...
- Will be the last time you fail me.

Daenerys: Tyrion Lannister, I name you Hand of the Queen.

Daenerys: [about Tyrion] He never should have trusted Cersei.
Sansa: You never should have either.
Daenerys: I thought he knew his sister.
Sansa: Families are complicated.

Daenerys: I swear this: If you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive.
Lord: I would expect nothing less from the Mother of Dragons.

Daenerys: [re Sansa] She betrayed your trust. She killed Varys as much as I did. It was a victory for her. Now she knows what will happen when people hear the truth about you. Far more people in Westeros love you than me. I don't have love here. I only have fear.
Jon: I love you. You will always be my Queen.
Daenerys: [comes up close] Is that all I am to you? Your Queen?

Tyrion: So here we sit. Two terrible children of two terrible fathers.
Daenerys: I'm terrible?
Tyrion: I've heard stories.
Daenerys: Why did you travel to the far side of the world to meet someone terrible?
Tyrion: To see if you were the right kind of terrible.
Daenerys: Which kind is that?
Tyrion: The kind that prevents your people from being even more so.
Daenerys: Well, I did re-open the Fighting Pits. Under my rule, murder will once again become entertainment.
Tyrion: Yes, that was wise. And you agreed to marry someone you loathe for the greater good. Very impressive. My own sister married someone she loathed as well. Though not by choice, and certainly not for the greater good, Gods forbid. She ended up having him killed.
Daenerys: Perhaps it won't come to that.

Daenerys: What do you think I should do?
Jon: I would never presume to...
Daenerys: I'm at war. I'm losing, What do you think I should do?
Jon: I never thought that dragons would exist again. No one did. The people who follow you know that you made something impossible happen. Maybe that helps them believe that you can make other impossible things happen. Build a world that's different from the shit one they've always known. But if you use them...
[Jon nods towards dragons flying overhead]
Jon: ...to melt castles and burn cities, you're not different. You're just more of the same.

Daenerys: [mountain top, dragon's nest littered with charcoal carcasses] We have to go home.
[the dragon has been wounded by spears]
Daenerys: Oh, my poor, sweet thing. Does it hurt? We have to go home. Drogon... can you take me back to Meereen? How far did you carry me? Drogon, we need to return. My people need me!
[she climbs onto his back, but he is no mood to fly, so she scampers off]
Daenerys: Well, there's no food. At the very least, you could... hunt us some supper.

Ser: [as they approach on horseback] Vaes Dothrak. City of the horse-lords.
Viserys: [contemptuously] A pile of mud. Mud, shit and twigs. The best these savages can do.
Daenerys: These are my people now. You shouldn't call them savages.
Viserys: I'll call them what I like, because they're my people. This is my army. Khal Drogo is marching the wrong way with my army.

[from trailer]
Qi'Ra: You look good. A little rough around the edges, but good.

Daenerys: [conversing in Dothraki, after learning she's pregnant] It's a boy.
Khal: How do you know?
Daenerys: I know.

Daenerys: Will you fight for me? Swear to me.
Daario: The Second Sons are yours, and so is Daario Naharis. My sword is yours. My life is yours. My heart is yours.

Daenerys: We have won the Great War. Now we will win the Last War.

Jon: Right now, you and I and Cersei and everyone else; we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair.
Daenerys: [Turns to Tyrion] You told me you liked this man
Tyrion: I do
Daenerys: In the time since he's met me, he's refused to call me queen, he's refused to bow, and now he's calling me a child.
Tyrion: I believe he's calling *all* of us children. Figure of speech.

Qi'Ra: What should we drink to?
Han: Let's drink two and see where it goes.

Bob: The Bureau would take you allegations very very seriously.
Susan: I look to you like someone who gets revenge by filing a complaint?

Jorah: Careful, Khaleesi. Xaro owns this city and the warlocks have a thousand eyes watching for you... I found one. A ship with a good captain. She leaves for Astapor tomorrow.
Daenerys: Astapor?
Jorah: We cannot stay here.
Daenerys: They have my dragons. A mother does not flee without her children.
Jorah: They're not your children. I know they call you the Mother of Dragons and I know you love them, but you didn't grow them in your womb, they didn't suckle at your breasts. They are dragons, Khaleesi, and if we stay in Qarth we'll die.
Daenerys: You should sail to Astapor, I'm sure you'll be safe there.
Jorah: You know I would die for you. I will never abandon you. I'm sworn to protect you, to serve.
Daenerys: Then serve me! If my dragons are in the House of the Undying, then take me there.
Jorah: That's what the warlock wants, he told you so himself. If you enter that place, you will never leave again. His magic is strong.
Daenerys: And what of my magic? You saw me step into the fire, you watched the witch burn. What did the flames do to me, do you remember?
Jorah: Until my last breath, I will remember. After I have forgotten my mother's face...
Daenerys: They are my children. And they are the only children I will ever have... Take me to them.

Daenerys: [angrily] All my allies are gone. They've been taken from me while I've been sitting here on this island!
Tyrion: You still have the largest armies.
Daenerys: [raising her voice] Who won't be able to eat because Cersei has taken all the food from the Reach!
Tyrion: Pull Grey Worm and the Unsullied back. We still have enough ships to carry the Dothraki to the mainland, commit to the blockade of King's Landing. We have a plan, it's still the right plan.
Daenerys: [yells] The RIGHT plan? Your 'strategy' has lost us Dorne, the Iron Islands, AND the Reach!
Tyrion: If I have underestimated our enemies...
Daenerys: [interrupts] Our enemies? Your family, you mean. Perhaps you don't want to hurt them after all.
[Daenerys pauses, looking out at her dragons circling overhead]
Daenerys: [calmly] Enough with the clever plans. I have three large dragons, I'm going to fly them to the Red Keep.
Tyrion: We've discussed this.
Daenerys: My enemies are in the Red Keep. What kind of a Queen am I if I'm not willing to risk my life to fight them?
Tyrion: A *smart* one!

Daenerys: Have you ever seen a dragon?
Irri: Dragon gone, Khaleesi.
Daenerys: Everywhere? Even in the East?
Irri: No dragon. Brave men kill them. It is known.
Jhiqui: It is known.
Doreah: A trader from Qarth told me that dragons come from the moon.
Daenerys: The moon?
Doreah: He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi, that once there were two moons in the sky. But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand, thousand dragons and they drank the sun's fire.
Irri: [giggling] Moon is no egg. Moon is goddess, wife of sun. It is known.
Jhiqui: It is known.
Daenerys: Leave me with her.
[Irri and Jhiqui leave to give her and Doreah privacy]

Daenerys: [to Razdal mo Eraz] My reign has just begun.

Susan: All I know is every time I fall down, I end up Rollin' right back here. I figure that makes this the bottom of the world.

Jon: It's cold up here for a southern girl.
Daenerys: So keep your queen warm.

Daenerys: Our fathers were evil men. They left the world worse than they found it. We're not going to do that, we're going to leave the world better than we found it.

Susan: I've been fuckin' your fuckin' husband, you stupid cow! Oh, what? Don't that mean nothin' to you? Don't that make you feel nothin'?
Kathy: It makes me feel bad. For you. That you wanted a better life so much that you thought you could just take mine. It's not gonna happen.

Tyrion: House Targaryen is gone. Not a single person who shares your blood is alive to support you! The Starks are gone, as well; our two terrible fathers saw to that. The remaining members of House Lannister will never back you, not ever. Stannis Baratheon won't back you, either; his entire claim to the throne rests on the illegitimacy of yours! That leaves the Tyrells: not impossible, not enough.
Daenerys: Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell: they're all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that one's on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.
Tyrion: It's a beautiful dream, stopping the wheel. You're not the first person who's ever dreamt it.
Daenerys: I'm not going to stop the wheel, I'm going to break the wheel.

Missandei: [deleted scene] Your Grace.
[approaches Daenerys who is looking out over the battlement long after banished Ser Jorah rode off]
Missandei: May I bring you something? To help you sleep.
[no response]
Missandei: Forgive me for disturbing you.
Daenerys: Stay with me.
[Missandei joins her on the balcony]
Daenerys: Never betray me. Never.

Daenerys: [to her khalasar] I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyeria. I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming.
Mirri: You will not hear me screaming.
Daenerys: I will. But it is not your screams I want. Only your life.

Daenerys: People learn to love their chains.

Daario: You're the Queen. Everyone's too afraid to speak the truth. Everyone but me. You've made thousands of enemies all across the world. As soon as they see weakness, they'll attack. Show your strength... here, now.
Daenerys: That's why I have the Unsullied patrol the streets.
Daario: [derisive scoff] Anyone with a chest full of gold can buy an army of Unsullied. You're not the Mother of Unsullied. You're the Mother of Dragons.
Daenerys: [looks down, shakes her head] I don't want another child's bones dropped at my feet. No one's seen Drogon in weeks. For all I know he's flown halfway across the world.
[sadly shakes her head]
Daenerys: I can't control them anymore.
Daario: A Dragon Queen with no dragons... is not a Queen.

Daenerys: The Spice King won't deal with me because I'm a bad investment. The Silk King won't support me because of his business with the Lannisters - why offend his best customer? And the Copper King offers me a single ship, on the condition that I lie with him for a night. Does he think I would whore myself for a boat?

Daario: [in bed with Daenerys] How long before the King of Meereen comes to claim my pillow?
Daenerys: Don't be ridiculous. My marriage to Hizdahr... is political. I think he's smart enough to understand that.
Daario: I think the Sons of the Harpy have stopped killing because their leader was made king.
Daenerys: [bemused tone] Are you jealous?
Daario: Do you think I'm petty enough to speak ill of a man just because he represents competition?
Daenerys: [nods, smiles] I do.
Daario: [laughs] You're right. My motivations are entirely impure.
Daenerys: Mm.
[they kiss]
Daario: [on top of her, looking down into her eyes] Doesn't make me wrong.
[kisses her passionately]
Daenerys: You told me yourself I can't fight enemies within and without. So when enemies without come knocking, I need the city of Meereen behind me. I have no choice.
Daario: Everyone has a choice. Even slaves have a choice... death or slavery.
Daenerys: [as he kisses her] So what else can I Do, hmm?
Daario: Marry me instead.
Daenerys: [laughter in her voice] Even if I wanted to do such an inadvisable thing...
[smiles up at him]
Daenerys: I couldn't.
Daario: Why not? You are queen. You can do what you like.
Daenerys: No... I can't.
Daario: Then you are the only person in Meereen who's not free.
[lies down next to her, and as she sits upright, strokes her bare back]
Daario: And I know I'm here to serve my Queen and not give advice... but can I make one more suggestion?
Daenerys: Of course.
[rests her head on his chest]
Daario: On the day of the great games, gather all the Great Masters and Wise Masters and Worthy Masters you can find... and slaughter them all.
Daenerys: I am a Queen, not a butcher.
Daario: All rulers are either butchers or meat.

- What the...
Doreah: Khaleesi, please.
- He said you'd never leave qarth alive.
Daenerys: Come.

L3: So what are you gonna do about your little problem?
Qi'Ra: Problem? I, er... uh...
L3: Well, that brand on your wrist tells me that you're committed. And that young male's heart fluctuations tell me he's in love with you.
Qi'Ra: Han is not in love with me!
L3: Oh, please. It's just us. You don't have to pretend. I'm in the same situation.
Qi'Ra: You are?
L3: I'm sure you've noticed that Lando has feelings for me. Which makes working together difficult because I do not feel the same way about him.
Qi'Ra: Right.
[pause, decides to humor her]
Qi'Ra: Yes, Yeah. Yeah, I see that.
L3: Sometimes, I think... maybe. But, no. We're just not compatible.
Qi'Ra: [pause] How would that work?
L3: It works.

Jorah: [to Daenerys] You need to drink, child. And eat.
[Jorah hands Daenerys a piece of dried meat]
Daenerys: Isn't there anything else?
Jorah: The Dothraki have two things in abundance: grass and horses. People can't live on grass.
[Daenerys finds the taste of dried horse meat repulsive]

[the Dothraki are closing in on the Lannister army]
Bronn: Get back to King's Landing.
Jaime: I'm not abandoning my army!
Bronn: You're the commander, not a damn infantryman. Those fuckers are about to swamp us.
Jaime: We can hold them off.
[Daenerys flies in riding on Drogon]
Daenerys: Dracarys!
[Drogon sets the Lannister army ablaze]

[Khal Moro grabs Daenerys' shirt]
Daenerys: Do not touch me. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen.
[Khal Moro lets go of Daenerys' shirt and steps backward]
Daenerys: The First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khalisee of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.
[pause. Then Khal Moro bursts out laughing, and so are his companions. He grabs Daenerys' neck]
Khal: You are nobody, the millionth of your name, Queen of Nothing, slave of Khal Moro. Tonight I will lie with you, and if the Great Stallion is kind, you will give me a son. Do you understand?
Daenerys: [defiantly] I will not lie with you. And I will bear no children, for you, or anyone else. Not until the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east.

Daenerys: [about her followers] I promised to protect them. Promised them their enemies would die screaming. How do I make starvation scream?

Daenerys: A man who fights for gold can't afford to lose to a girl.

Daenerys: How do I know you are who you say you are?
Tyrion: If only I were otherwise.

[Daenerys and her followers were invited to stay over in Qarth]
Daenerys: What do you know of this place?
Jorah: Only that the desert outside their walls is called the Garden of Bones. Every time the Qartheen shut their gates on a traveler, the garden grows.

Daenerys: And here, now, what what great matters do the Great Khals discuss? Which little villages you'll raid, how many girls you'll get to fuck, how many horses you'll demand in tribute. You are small men. None of you are fit to lead the Dothraki. But I am. So I will.

Daenerys: So I should welcome you into my service because you murdered members of your own family?
Tyrion: Into your service? Your Grace, we have only just met. It's too soon to know if you deserve my service.

Daenerys: How are the lessons going?
Missandei: Very well, Your Grace.
Grey: Missandei is teacher good, my Queen.

Tyrion: You have your armies, you have your ships, you have your dragons. Everything you've ever wanted since you were old enough to want anything, it's all yours for the taking. Are you afraid?
[Daenerys nods]
Tyrion: Good. You're in the great game now. And the great game's terrifying. The only people who aren't afraid of failure are madmen like your father.
Daenerys: Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing. Just impatient to get on with it.
Tyrion: He wasn't the first to love you and he won't be the last.
Daenerys: Well, you have completely failed to console me.
Tyrion: For what it's worth, I've been a cynic for as long as I can remember. Everyone's always asking me to believe in things. Family, gods, kings, myself. It was often tempting until I saw where belief got people. so I said, "no, thank you," to belief. And yet, here I am. I believe in you. It's embarrassing, really. I'd swear you my sword, but I don't actually own a sword.
Daenerys: It's your counsel I need.
Tyrion: It's yours. Now and always.

Jon: How do you know it will be good?
Daenerys: Because I know what is good.

Barristan: The Yunkish are a proud people; they will not bend.
Daenerys: And what happens to things that don't bend?

Daenerys: [as a wedding present, Drogo gives her a white horse] She's beautiful. Ser Jorah, I... I don't know how to say "thank you" in Dothraki.
Jorah: There is no word for "thank you" in Dothraki.

Daenerys: Wait for me outside the city.
- You'll know when it's time.

Daenerys: Where I come from, guests are treated with respect...
Daenerys: [with distaste:] ... not insulted at the gates.
Spice: Then perhaps you should return to where you came from. We wish you well.
[the Spice King turns to go back]

Daenerys: [to Tyrion] Next time you fail me, it will be the last time you fail me.

Daenerys: Where are they? Where are my dragons?

Daenerys: We could stay a thousand years; no one would find us.
Jon: We'd be pretty old.

Daenerys: You've brought us 100 ships from the Iron Fleet with men to sail them. In return, I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands?
Theon: Not my claim.
[Theon nods to Yara]
Theon: Hers.
Daenerys: And what's wrong with you?
Theon: I'm not fit to rule.
Tyrion: We can agree upon that at least.

Daenerys: What are you doing?
Irri: When was last time you bleed, Khaleesi? You change, Khaleesi.
[in Dothraki, as Daenerys touches her stomach]
Irri: It's a blessing from the Great Stallion.

Tyrion: Despite appearances, I think you'll find the city's on the rise.
Tyrion: Perhaps we should take shelter.
Daenerys: The city's on the rise?
Tyrion: Meereen is strong. Commerce has returned to the markets. The people are behind you.
[closer explosion]
Tyrion: Well, not all the people, of course. No ruler that's ever lived had the support of all the people. But the rebirth of Meereen is the cause of all this violence.
[another explosion]
Tyrion: The Masters cannot let Meereen succeed. Because if Meereen succeeds, a city without slavery...
[fireball heard zooming past]
Tyrion: a city without Masters...
[glass shatters]
Tyrion: it proves that no one needs a Master.
[another fireball whines overhead]
Daenerys: Good. Shall we begin?
Tyrion: Do we have a plan?
Daenerys: I will crucify the Masters. I will set their fleets afire,
[distant hit]
Daenerys: kill every last one of their soldiers, and return their cities to the dirt. *That* is my plan.
[Tyrion seems understandably skeptic in light of them being under siege]
Daenerys: You don't approve?
Tyrion: You once told me you knew what your father was. Did you know his plans for King's Landing when the Lannister armies were at his gates?
[another distant hit]
Tyrion: Probably not. Well, he told my brother, and Jaime told me. He had caches of wildfire, hidden under the Red Keep, the Sept of Barlow, all the major thoroughfares...

Xaro: I've demanded a meeting of the Thirteen. One of them did this, or knows who did.
Daenerys: You are one of the Thirteen.
Xaro: If I wanted your dragons, I would have taken them. They mean nothing to me on their own.
Daenerys: Nothing? They're more valuable than anything in the world!

[Qi'Ra makes contact with her boss, who appears in a hologram]
Maul: Yes?
Qi'Ra: I regret to inform you that Dryden Vos is dead, murdered by the thief he hired to steal the coaxium ship and his friend - Tobias Beckett.
Maul: Is that so? Where is the shipment now?
Qi'Ra: Gone. Beckett took it. Slaughtered the others. I alone survived.
[Maul takes off his hood]
Maul: One man couldn't have done this alone.
Qi'Ra: I wasn't there. But if I had been, perhaps I could've saved him.
[Maul sneers, then chuckles and pulls a weapon to him with the Force]
Maul: Bring the ship and come to me on Dathomir and you and I will then decide what to do about the traitor Beckett and his accomplices.
[Qi'Ra nods]
Qi'Ra: I'm on my way.
[Maul ignites his lightsaber]
Maul: Qi'ra, you and I will be working much more closely from now on.
[Maul deactivates his lightsaber and the hologram goes off]

[first lines]
Hizdahr: I'm so sorry, my Queen. He was a good man.
Daenerys: "Barristan the Bold," they called him. He crossed a continent to serve me. He was a loyal friend. And he died in an alley.
[tearfully: ]
Daenerys: Butchered by cowards who hide behind masks.
Daario: We could pull back to the pyramid district, secure it, and use it as a base from which to operate. Then... we clean the city out, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street, till the rats have nowhere left to hide.
Daenerys: I prefer your earlier suggestion. Round up the leaders of each of Meereen's great families and bring them to me.
Hizdahr: But... I'm the leader of my family.
[Daario nods at the guards, and they grab him]
Hizdahr: No, Your Grace! I had nothing to do with this...! Your Grace!

Daenerys: I'm not coming to conquer the North. I'm coming to *save* the North.
[to: ]
Daenerys: We sail together.

Ser: Khaleesi, a dragon is worth more than any army. Aegon Targaryen proved that.
Daenerys: You're both here to advise me. I value your advice, but if you ever question me in front of strangers again, you'll be advising someone else. Is that understood?

Daenerys: [has fed two men to her dragons, spares others] Don't want to overfeed them. Perhaps tomorrow.

Daenerys: [the loutish Champion of Meereen is giving a display of open contempt] What is he doing?
Barristan: Oh, he means to...
[the barbarian urinates in defiance, the crowd laughs and cheers]
Missandei: [translates] He says that we're an army of men without... man parts.
[with: ]
Missandei: He claims that you are not a woman at all, but a man who... hides his cock in his own arsehole.
Barristan: Ignore him, Your Grace, these are meaningless words.
Jorah: Not meaningless if half the city you intend to take is listening to them.
Daenerys: [as the lout continues his tirade] I have something to say to the people of Meereen. In fact, I will need this one to be quiet. Do I have a Champion?

Tyrion: [after Daenerys promoted Gendry] A fitting reward for a hero. And a Lord of Storm's End that will be forever loyal to you.
Daenerys: See? You're not the only one who's clever.

Daenerys: [re the tribe travelling on string of horses] Tell them all to stop.
Jorah: You want the entire horde to stop? For how long?
Daenerys: [dismounts confidently] Until I command them otherwise.
Jorah: You're beginning to talk like a Queen.
Daenerys: Not a Queen. A Khaleesi.

Viserys: You would turn me into one of them, wouldn't you! Next you'll want to braid my hair!
Daenerys: You've no right to a braid! You've won no victories yet!

Mero: I'll come looking for you when this is all over.
[Mero slaps Missandei on the butt as he walks out]
Daenerys: Ser Barristan. When it come to battle, kill that one first.
Barristan: Gladly, your Grace.

Daenerys: Viserion?
- Rhaegal?
- Easy. Easy.
- Easy.

Jon: If I don't return, at least you won't have to deal with the King in the North anymore.
Daenerys: I've grown used to him.

Qi'Ra: It's risky, but it's worth a try.

Daario: [they're on horseback] Everything all right?
Daenerys: How many days' ride to Meereen?
Daario: A week at best.
Daenerys: How many ships will I need to bring my khalasar to Westeros?
Daario: Dothraki and all their horses, the Unsullied, the Second Sons... a thousand ships easily. Probably more.
Daenerys: And who has that many?
Daario: Nobody.
[makes shrugging gesture]
Daenerys: Nobody yet.
Daario: So we ride for Meereen, and after that we sail for Westeros. And what then?
Daenerys: I take what is mine.
Daario: You weren't made to sit on a chair in a palace.
Daenerys: What was I made for?
Daario: You're a conqueror, Daenerys Stormborn.

Qi'Ra: [holding a vial of coaxium] This, this is worth...
Han: Five, six hundred credits. That's more than you said we'd need.
Qi'Ra: To buy our way out of the control zone. And off Corellia. Han, this could work.
Han: This is gonna work. Qi'ra, you always said one day we're gonna get out of here. This is it.
Qi'Ra: What are we waiting for?

Daenerys: Are they attacking?
Jorah: A single rider.
- A champion of meereen.
- They want you to send your own champion against him.

Susan: 'Cause high class ain't a always so good in a woman. If she won't suck your dick at the movies, then what the hell kinda good is she?

Daenerys: I will fight for you. I will fight for the North. When you bend the knee.
Jon: My people... won't accept a southern ruler. Not after everything they've suffered.
Daenerys: They will if their king does. They chose you to lead them. They chose you to protect them. Isn't their survival more important than your pride?

Daenerys: I am the blood of the dragon.
Qotho: The dragons are all dead, khaleesi.

[Daenerys watches Drogo killing Viserys by pouring molten gold on his head. Daenerys does not shed a single tear for her brother]
Daenerys: He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon.

Cersei: [after Daenerys' grand entrance] We've been here a long time.
Daenerys: My apologies.

Daenerys: How did you get in here?
Daario: Your door is well guarded,
Daario: but your window is not.
[she approaches, and he offers bouquet of flowers]
Daario: I swam to an island a mile offshore for these.
Daenerys: Don't do that again.
Daario: Never met a woman who didn't like wildflowers.
Daenerys: [imperial tone] These are my private quarters. If I want you here, I will summon you.
Daario: [kneels] Forgive me, my queen, I live to serve you.
Daenerys: Tell me why you're here.
Daario: I came to ask a favor. I only have two talents in this world. War and women. You are staying here in Meereen to rule. That is a wise decision. I respect it. But here in Meereen I cannot pursue my talents.
Daenerys: I've ordered the Second Sons to patrol the streets to stop the revenge killings.
Daario: You've ordered us to be night watchmen.
Daenerys: And as for women, there are thousands in Meereen you can pursue.
Daario: There's only one... and she does not want me.
Daenerys: You swore me your sword.
Daario: My sword is yours till the day I die.
Daenerys: So if I command you to stay in Meereen and patrol the streets?
Daario: I'll stay in Meereen and patrol the streets.
[but: ]
Daario: Send me to kill your enemies. Any enemy, anywhere. Let me do what I do best.
Daenerys: Very well.
[rises, casually pours herself a drink]
Daenerys: Do what you do best. Take off your clothes.

Daenerys: Why did the trader from Qarth tell you these stories?
Doreah: Men like to talk when they're happy. Before your brother bought me for you, it was my job to make men happy.
Daenerys: How old were you?
Doreah: I was nine when my mother sold me to the pleasure house.
Daenerys: Nine?
Doreah: I did not touch a man for three years, Khaleesi. First, you must learn.
Daenerys: Can you teach me how to make the khal happy?
Doreah: Yes.
Daenerys: Will it take three years?
Doreah: No.

[first lines]
Susan: [narrating] You now what's the worst thing about being dead? You get too much time to think. Thinking is painful. Knowing things is painful.

Daenerys: [as Daario is about to face the champion of Meereen] Are you sure you don't want a horse?
Daario: I don't want a horse.
Daenerys: Horses are faster than men.
Daario: Horses are dumber than men.

Susan: You what to find yourself some losers if you want to have any fun.

[Daenerys, sitting on Drogon's back, speaks to the Dothraki warriors in the Dothraki language]
Daenerys: Every Khal who ever lived chose three bloodriders to fight beside him and guard his way, But I am not a Khal. I will not choose three blood riders. I choose you all.
[the Dothraki cheer, wave their weapons and shout their approval]
Daenerys: I will ask more of you than any Khal has ever asked of his khalasar! Will you ride the wooden horses across the black salt sea?
[again, the Dothraki cheer]
Daenerys: Will you kill my enemies in their iron suits and tear down their stone houses?
[again, the Dothraki cheer]
Daenerys: Will you give me the Seven Kingdoms, the gift Khal Drogo promised me before the Mother of Mountains?
[again, the Dothraki cheer]
Daenerys: Are you with me, now and always?
[again, the Dothraki cheer. Drogon spreads his wings and bellows]

[Daenerys finds Jon in the Stark crypt]
Daenerys: Who's that?
Jon: Lyanna Stark.
Daenerys: My brother, Rhaegar, everyone told me he was decent and kind, he liked to sing, gave money to poor children...
Daenerys: ...and he raped her.
Jon: He didn't... he loved her.
[Jon turns towards Daenerys]
Jon: They were married in secret. After Rhaegar fell at the Trident, she had a son. Robert would have murdered the baby if he ever found out and Lyanna knew it. So the last thing she did as she bled to death on her birthing bed, was give the boy to her brother... Ned Stark... to raise as his bastard. My name, my real name, is Aegon Targaryen.
[Daenerys gasps]
Jon: It's true, Dany. I know it is.
Daenerys: If it were true, it would make you the last male heir of House Targaryen. You'd have a claim to the Iron Throne.

[last lines]
Daenerys: I owe you my life, ser.
Barristan: The honor is mine, my queen.
Daenerys: [to Jorah] You know this man?
Jorah: I know him as one of the greatest fighters the Seven Kingdoms has ever seen and as the Lord Commander of Robert Baratheon's Kingsguard.
Barristan: King Robert is dead. I have been searching for you, Daenerys Stormborn, to ask your forgiveness. I was sworn to protect your family. I failed them. I am Barristan Selmy, Kingsguard to your father. Allow me to join your Queensguard and I will not fail you again.

[armed guards confront Daenerys and her followers]
Daenerys: [softly] I thought we were welcome.
Jorah: If you heard a Dothraki horde was approaching your city, you might do the same, Khaleesi.
Daenerys: [looks back at her depleted tribe] Horde?

Daenerys: Go on.
Jon: I don't know how to ride a dragon.
Daenerys: Nobody does. Until they ride a dragon.
Jon: What if he doesn't want me to?
Daenerys: Then I did enjoy your company, Jon Snow.
Jon: Where do I hold on to?
Daenerys: Wherever you can.
[after they ride the dragons]
Jon: You completely ruined horses for me.

Jorah: [after having met up with Daario who was on his way out] Khaleesi.
Daenerys: You're here early.
Jorah: Later than some.
Daenerys: You don't approve?
Jorah: It's not a question of approval, It's a question of trust.
Daenerys: You neither approve nor trust.
Jorah: Why would I? The man's a sellsword.
Daenerys: Didn't you fight for the Golden Company before pledging your sword to my brother?
Jorah: I did.
Daenerys: I trust you.
Jorah: Daario Naharis killed his captains and dumped their heads at your feet when he grew tired of their commands. How could you ever have faith in a man like that?
Daenerys: I could never have faith in a man like Daario. That's why I sent him and the Second Sons to retake Yunkai.
Jorah: You have?
Daenerys: I have.
Jorah: Without you to rule there, Khaleesi, I fear the Masters will simply bide their time, wait for the invaders to leave, and reassert control.
Daenerys: That is why I ordered Daario to execute every Master in Yunkai.
[sees: ]
Daenerys: The Masters tear babies from their mothers' arms. They mutilate little boys by the thousands. They train little girls in the art of pleasuring old men. They treat men like beasts, as you said yourself.
Jorah: Herding the Masters into pens and slaughtering them by the thousands is also treating men like beasts. The slaves you freed, brutality is all they've ever known. If you want them to know something else, you'll have to show it to them.
Daenerys: [with folded arms] And repay the slavers with what? Kindness? A fine? A stern warning?
[nods petulantly]
Jorah: It's tempting to see your enemies as evil, all of them, but there's good and evil on both sides in every war ever fought.
Daenerys: Let the priests argue over good and evil. Slavery is real. I can end it. I will end it, and I will end those behind it.
Jorah: I sold men into slavery, Khaleesi.
Daenerys: And now... you are helping me show them to freedom.
Jorah: I wouldn't be here to help you if Ned Stark had done to me what you want to do to the Masters of Yunkai.
Daenerys: [reconsider, has change of heart] The man who came to me the other day about burying his father...
Jorah: Hizdahr zo Loraq?
Daenerys: He will accompany the Second Sons and serve as my ambassador to Yunkai. He will tell the Masters what has happened in Meereen. He will explain the choice they have before them. They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one. Well, go and catch Daario before you leave. Tell him I changed my mind.
Jorah: [wearily] Yes, Khaleesi.
[goes off]
Daenerys: No.
[Jorah stops, looks back]
Daenerys: Tell him you changed my mind.

Mark: I'm just saying, you've never tried to make a clean break of it, so don't give up hope
Susan: It's hope that's fuckin' me up.

Susan: [narrating] There are only two ways to make money in this town since the mines shutdown. One is the funeral business, and the other's selling drugs. Sometimes I wish I was in the funeral business.

Susan: But people only remember what they can stand to.

Jon: The Night King is coming.
Daenerys: The dead are already here.

Daenerys: Remind me, Ser Jorah, how many children did the Great Masters nail to the mile-posts?
Jorah: One hundred sixty-three, Khaleesi.
Daenerys: Yes, that was it.
Barristan: [as the vanquished Masters are led to mile-posts] Your Grace, may I have a word?
[she knows what's coming, but grants him this]
Barristan: The city is yours. All these people, they're your subjects now. Sometimes it is better to answer injustice with mercy.
Daenerys: I will answer injustice with justice.

Daenerys: I was born at Dragonstone. Not that I can remember it. We fled before Robert's assassins could find us. Robert was your father's best friend, no? I wonder if your father knew his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib. Not that it matters now, of course. I spent my life in foreign lands. So many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. I have been sold like a broodmare. I've been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what kept me standing, through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any god, not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen. The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries, until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn't crossed the sea, any sea. They did for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and I will.

Jon: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
[Jon grabs Daenerys's hand]
Jon: I wish I could take it back. I wish we'd never gone.
Daenerys: I don't. If we hadn't gone, I wouldn't have seen. You have to see it to know. Now I know. The dragons are my children. They're the only children I'll ever have. Don't you understand? We are going to destroy the Night King and his army. And we'll do it together. You have my word.
Jon: Thank you, Dany.
Daenerys: 'Dany'?
[Daenerys chuckles]
Daenerys: Who was the last person who called me that? I'm not sure. Was it my brother? Mm, not the company you want to keep.
Jon: All right. Not 'Dany'. How about 'my queen'? I'd, uh, bend the knee, but...
Daenerys: What about those who swore allegiance to you?
Jon: They'll all come to see you for what you are.
Daenerys: [grabs Jon's hand] I hope I deserve it.
Jon: You do.

[first lines]
Tyrion: [to Daenerys, as storm rages] On a night like this, you came into the world.
Lord: I remember that storm. All the dogs in King's Landing howled through the night.
Daenerys: I wish I could remember it. I always thought this would be a homecoming. Doesn't feel like home.
Tyrion: We won't stay on Dragonstone for long.
Daenerys: Good.
[looks at the markers]
Daenerys: Not so many lions.
Lord: Cersei controls fewer than half the Seven Kingdoms. The lords of Westeros despise her. Even before your arrival, they plotted against her. Now...
Daenerys: They cry out for their true queen? They drink secret toasts to my health? People used to tell my brother that sort of thing and he was stupid enough to believe them. If Viserys had three dragons and an army at his back, he'd have invaded King's Landing already.
Tyrion: Conquering Westeros would be easy for you... but you're not here to be queen of the ashes.
Daenerys: No.
Tyrion: We can take the Seven Kingdoms without turning it into a slaughterhouse. If the great houses support your claim against Cersei, the game is won. With the Tyrell army and the Dornish, we have powerful allies in the South.
[Varys nods]
Daenerys: [to Varys] I never properly thanked you for that.
Lord: They joined our side, my Queen, because they believe in you.
Daenerys: You served my father, didn't you, Lord Varys?
Lord: I did.
Daenerys: And then you served the man who overthrew him.
Lord: I had a choice, Your Grace. Serve Robert Baratheon or face the headman's ax.
Daenerys: But you didn't serve him long. You turned against him.
Lord: Robert was an improvement on your father, to be sure. There have been few rulers in history as cruel as the Mad King. Robert was neither mad nor cruel. He simply had no interest in being king.
Daenerys: So, you took it upon yourself to find a better one.
Tyrion: Your Grace. When I was ready to drink myself into a small coffin, Lord Varys told me about a queen in the east who...
Daenerys: [cuts him off] Before I came to power, you favored my brother. All your spies... your little birds... did they tell you Viserys was cruel, stupid and weak? Would those qualities have made for a good king, in your learned opinion?
Lord: Until your marriage to Khal Drogo, Your Grace, I knew nothing about you, save your existence and that you were said to be beautiful.
Daenerys: So you and your friends traded me like a prize horse to the Dothraki.
Lord: Which you turned to your advantage.
Daenerys: Who gave the order to kill me?
Lord: [hesitates] King Robert.
Daenerys: Who hired the assassins?
[confronts him]
Daenerys: Who sent word to Essos to murder Daenerys Targaryen?
Lord: Your Grace... I did what had to be done.
Daenerys: To keep yourself alive.
Tyrion: Lord Varys has proven himself a loyal servant.
Daenerys: Proven himself loyal? Quite the opposite. If he dislikes one monarch, he conspires to crown the next one.
[with: ]
Daenerys: What kind of servant is that?
Lord: The kind the realm needs. Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. As long as I have my eyes, I'll use them. I wasn't born into a great house. I came from nothing. I was sold as a slave, carved up as an offering. When I was a child, I lived in alleys, gutters, abandoned houses. Do you wish to know where my true loyalties lie? Not with any king or queen, but with the people. The people who suffer under despots and prosper under just rule. The people who's hearts you aim to win. If you demand blind allegiance, I respect your wishes. Grey Worm can behead me, or your dragons can devour me. But if you let me live, I will serve you well. I will dedicate myself to seeing you on the Iron Throne, because I choose you. Because I know that people have no better chance than you.
Daenerys: Swear this to me, Varys. If you ever think I'm failing the people, you won't conspire behind my back. You'll look me in the eye as you have done today and you'll tell me how I'm failing them.
Lord: [nods] I swear it, my Queen.
Daenerys: And I swear this. If you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive.

Susan: When a man tells you you're doin' the right thing... he means you're doin' the right thing for him.

- Slaves: [Chanting] Mhysal
Daenerys: Remind me, ser jorah, how many children did the great masters nail to mileposts?
- 163, khaleesi.
- That was it.

Sansa: [re Winterfell supplies] I did not account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons. What do dragons eat, anyway?
Daenerys: Whatever they want.

Daenerys: The time to strike is now, the Starks fight the Lannisters, the Baratheons fight each other.

Han: How did you get out?
Qi'Ra: I didn't.