Top 30 Quotes From Gary

Mermaid: That guy over there used to be the Atomic Flounder. I know he doesn't look like much now, but he could go back to crime
[snaps fingers]
Mermaid: just like that
[Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy chuckle; SpongeBob suddenly tackles the Atomic Flounder]
Atomic: Help, somebody there!
SpongeBob: You're under arrest, Atomic Flounder!
Mermaid: No, lad! Don't!
SpongeBob: But you said he could turn back to crime
[snaps fingers]
SpongeBob: like that.
Atomic: What? Get off me! If I weren't retired I'd... I'd... Roar!
[Breathes radiation on Barnacle Boy's face, burning it]
Atomic: ... do that.

Squidward: I was trying to take a nap over here!
SpongeBob: Hang on Squidward. Patrick was just about to figure out where this last piece of this puzzle goes. Weren't you Patrick?
Patrick: Who's the green guy?
Squidward: It's the last piece of the puzzle! There's only one place it can go right here!
SpongeBob: Squidward! It wasn't your turn! That's cheating.
Squidward: Cheating? It's a jigsaw puzzle you can't cheat!

SpongeBob: Squidward's father never hugged him. Isn't that sad?
Mr. Krabs: Yes i suppose that is rather sad but Squidward can hug himself during his break. Now get back to work!
SpongeBob: Just like the robot in the movie! He couldn't cry either.
Squidward: SpongeBob this is getting ridiculous. I'll have you know my father loved me very much.

[Gary collapses from exhaustion at the Snail Race]
SpongeBob: Oh Gary, I'm sorry! Why didn't you just say I was pushing you too hard?
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: You did? Oh Gary! Why didn't you tell me I wasn't listening?
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: You did?

SpongeBob: Could you show me how to tie my shoes?
Painting: Arrgh! I'd just be a painting of a head.

[last lines]
Patrick: I'm sorry, SpongeBob, but Gary's with me now. You had your chance and you failed. You have to stop living in the past.
[Takes off pants, puts them in washing machine]
Patrick: It's what Gary wants, and what Gary wants is me. Right, Gary? Gary?
[Gary has gone inside the washing machine, burrowing his head into the back pocket of Patrick's shorts]
Patrick: He only like me for my shorts!
SpongeBob: No, Patrick. He wanted the cookie in your pocket.
Gary: [Crawls towards SpongeBob] Meow.
SpongeBob: G-G-Gary?
Gary: Burp! Meow.
SpongeBob: Aw, Gary! I knew you'd never leave me. Let's go for a walk, pal.
[They leave]
Patrick: [sad music plays while a devastated Patrick watches them] Gary? I thought what we had was special...!

Gary: Meow

SpongeBob: He didn't call them Mr. Krabs. We did. I needed some help investigating the accident. Right buddy?
Patrick: Breakfast. Green. Finland.

Squidward: All right you two! Out! And don't even think about jogging your empty skulls for the rest of the day! Or tomorrow or next week
SpongeBob: Squidward does that include...
Squidward: Yes it does!
SpongeBob: Gee Patrick. Do you think Squidward was trying to tell us something?
Squidward: Yes i was! You call yourselves good neighbors? You're the worst neighbors ever! You don't deserve to wear these fezzes!
SpongeBob: Gee Pat. Maybe President Squidward's right.
Patrick: Yeah. I guess we're not good neighbors after all.
Squidward: No you aren't! You're horrible neighbors! And stop calling me president!

SpongeBob: [after waking up from a bad dream] Ah!
[sees everyone hovering over his bed, all looking quite irritable with him]
SpongeBob: Hey, what are you all doing in your pajamas? Are we having a slumber party?
Squidward: No, we are not having a slumber party!
Sandy: Do us all a favor, SpongeBob, and stay out of our dreams!
[everyone grumbles in agreement]
Sheldon J. Plankton: Take a hike!
Squidward: Don't we get enough of you during the day?
Gary: Meow!
Patrick: Does anybody have a quarter?
[everyone stares at Patrick]

SpongeBob: I'm every bit as good as Larry, and if I'm not, then may I be struck by...
[rumble of thunder]
SpongeBob: ... a flying ice cream truck.
[a shadow forms over SpongeBob; chimes play]
SpongeBob: And live!
[the flying ice cream truck stops short of crushing Spongebob]
Larry the Lobster: [on megaphone] Please do not land flying ice cream trucks on the bathers.

SpongeBob: The Krusty Krab Pizza! Is the Pizza! For you and me!

SpongeBob: You okay Patrick?
Patrick: Finland!

SpongeBob: [sly look] You like Krabby Patties, don't you, Squidward?

Personified: Just remember SpongeBob, I'll always be right here.
[points to SpongeBob's Chest]
SpongeBob: In my heart?
Personified: Actually in your arteries.

Patrick: Do i get my reward yet?
SpongeBob: You have to work for it remember?
Patrick: Tarter sauce!

SpongeBob: Hey Mr. Krabs!
Mr. Krabs: What is it boy?
SpongeBob: Squidward just told me a hilarious joke and i thought you might like to hear it.
Mr. Krabs: Is it true Squidward? Is it hilarious?
Squidward: Um yeah sure.
Mr. Krabs: Well let's hear it lad.
SpongeBob: Okay here it goes. Um how did it go Squidward?
Squidward: Um it went um let's see ah Why couldn't the eleven year old get into the new pirate movie?
Mr. Krabs: Why?
Squidward: It was rated Arr!
Squidward: Arr! Because it's about pirates.
Mr. Krabs: I'm not paying you to do stand up Mr. Squidward! Now get back to work!

SpongeBob,19073: [exiting SpongeBobs nightmare] No! no! No!
[Squidward talking in the real world]
SpongeBob,19073: SpongeBob. SpongeBob! SpongeBob!
[taps on his face to wake him up]
SpongeBob,19073: Ahhhhhhhhhh!
SpongeBob: [wakes up to find Mr. Krabs, Pearl, Sandy, Gary, and Squidward staring at and all of them are mad] Hey what what are you guys doing in your pajamas? Are we having a slumber party?
Squidward: No we are not having a slumber party!
Sandy: Do us all a favor SpongeBob and stay out of our dreams!
[everyone starts grumbling in agreement with Gary meowing angrily]
Mr. Krabs: [under all the grumbling] You Ruined My Dream Boy!
Sheldon J. Plankton: [joins the argument under the grumbling] You ruined my dream too! Why Don't You Take a Hike!
Squidward: Don't we get enough of you during the day?
Gary: Meow!
Patrick: [enters] Does anyone have a quarter?

French: A slow day at the Krusty Krab.
SpongeBob: Hey Squidward check this out. Two ordinary krabby patties but when expertly tossed with the skill of a champ they become...
Patrick: A one-way ticket to pain!

SpongeBob: [disguising the bathtub as a treasure chest] Wow, Gary, look! A pirate treasure chest!
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: Why, no, Gary, this isn't the bathtub...
[kicks a paint bucket away]
SpongeBob: It's treasure!
[pulls out two bars of soap]
SpongeBob: Look, doubloons. Don't drop 'em.
[winks, then pulls out a rubber duck]
SpongeBob: Look at this brooch.
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: I don't know what a snail would want with a brooch! Now why don't you just get in the tub!

[SpongeBob falls down the stairs into the living room]
Gary: [apathetically] Meow...
SpongeBob: [gasps in anger] Gary! Squidward is not a freeloader, and he would never take advantage of me!
Narrator: Three weeks later...
SpongeBob: [exhausted] He's just having a hard time getting his confidence back.
[falls down]
Narrator: Many months later...
SpongeBob: [totally exhausted] I'm sure he's close to a breakthrough.
[falls down again]
New: So much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one.
[SpongeBob crawls into the living room now exhausted than ever]
Gary: [reproachfully] Meow, meow, meow!
SpongeBob: [furious] I know he's still isn't looking for work! Don't rub it in!

Plankton: SpongeBob what do you want?
SpongeBob: Well it's just that it's Tuesday again sir and i was wondering if i can have my weekly performance review.
Plankton: Review?
SpongeBob: Oh yes please sir please!
Plankton: But i've never reviewed anything. Except those foreign exercise videos my cousin sent me.

SpongeBob: Gary! It's Opposite Day and I'm - Walk, don't run - and I'm going to - Opposite. Opposite - I'm just going to crawl into bed and do nothing all day. Too bad it only comes once a year. Huh, Gary?
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: Gary! Where's your holiday spirit?
Gary: Woof.

Patrick: Listen up SpongeBob Secret Stealer Pants! If you ever come near my secret box again, we won't be friends anymore!
SpongeBob: But we're supposed to be friends forever.

SpongeBob: [after Squidward has accidentally injected him with snail plasma] Don't worry Gary, Squidward says I'll be fine, he knows everything, so you hungry?
Gary: [jumps up in excitement] Meow-how!
[Spongebob gives Gary some snail food but decides to try it he likes it and eats more]
SpongeBob: [tosses Gary the empty bowl] Here you go eat up!
Gary: [looks at the empty bowl] Meow?
SpongeBob: Sorry Gary I couldn't control myself!
SpongeBob: Meow! Why did I just do that? am I cracking up?
Gary: Meow!
SpongeBob: No, no Squidward's right, I'm fine I-I worry too much, it's all in my head
[walks slowly towards the kitchen with Gary out walking him]
SpongeBob: Gary you're getting
[speaks in a slow low voice]
SpongeBob: a lot faster!
[walks into the bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror]
SpongeBob: Look at me, look at me, never better, better!
[his head throbs]
SpongeBob: I'm okay Squidward says I'm fine!
[his eyeballs pop out and grow into stalks like Gary's as he screams in terror]
SpongeBob: Gary...
[pants heavily]
SpongeBob: I'm fine!
[falls to the floor screaming in agony]
SpongeBob: Yooooooooull see!
[his arm shrivels up and goes into his body and his sleeve bounces away]
SpongeBob: That's okay I'm a lefty anyway
[his other arm and his legs shrivel up and go into his body]
SpongeBob: Ha, ha now Idon't have to buy those new shoes
[his body stretches and contorts into a snail shape]
SpongeBob: I take it back Gary something is wrong with meeeeeow!

Squidward: Okay i want everyone to stand in straight rows of five.
SpongeBob: Is this the part where we start kicking?
Squidward: No SpongeBob. That's a chorus line.
Patrick: Kicking? I wanna do some kicking!
[kicks Sandy]
Sandy: Ow! Why you...
[gets into a fight with Patrick]
Patrick: [screams loudly]
Patrick: Who ever's the owner of the white sedan you left your lights on.

SpongeBob: I guess Grampa SquarePants was right: Never run for a bus...
[Imitates Grampa SquarePants]
SpongeBob: ... especially one that's going up at a 90 degree angle.

SpongeBob: Mega Bucket? You've used me for land development! That wasn't nice!
Plankton: Haven't you heard SpongeBob? Nice guys finish last. Only aggressive people conquer the world!
[laughs evilly]

SpongeBob: Oh, tartar sauce.

SpongeBob: [Gary duped SpongeBob up in a tree and swiped his ladder] Gary! Bring that ladder back this instant!
[the ladder falls]
SpongeBob: I am really not amused, mister! You are going to take a bath, and you are going to get clean right now!
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: I am *so* the boss of you!
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: It may be a free country, but you live in my house under my rules!
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: Don't use that tone of voice with me. You will do what I say, when I say!
[Gary slithers closer to the mud puddle]
SpongeBob: What are you doing? I am talking to you, mister! Do not go near that mud puddle! Gary the snail, do you hear me? I am giving you three seconds to get away from that mud puddle! One...
[Gary inches closer]
SpongeBob: Two...
[Gary inches closer]
SpongeBob: Two and a half... Don't make me say three!
[Gary leans over the puddle]
SpongeBob: Gary! Gary! Gary!
[falls off the tree]
SpongeBob: GARY!
[splats in the mud]
SpongeBob: I'm a dirty boy.