The Best Gul Lemec Quotes

Gul: Where is Captain Picard?
Captain: Reassigned.
Gul: [smugly] Well, I hope his new assignment is not too dangerous. It would be a shame if something were to happen to such a, uh... such a noted officer.
Captain: [dryly] Yes. It would.

Gul: [sitting in the Enterprise's Observation Lounge displeased when Jellico suddenly walks in, followed by Riker and Troi; he gets to his feet] What is going on? I've been waiting here for over an hour...
Captain: [talking over him] I'm Captain Jellico. I believe you know Commander Riker and this is Lt Commander Troi. Let's get to it, shall we?
Gul: [with great disdain] This treatment is a deliberate insult to the Cardassian Union! I have been kept waiting here for over an hour!
Captain: Then I'm sure you're ready to talk.
Gul: [Jellico, Riker and Troi sit but Lemec is suddenly uncertain] I did not agree to allow others into this meeting.
Captain: If it alarms you, I can ask them to leave.
Gul: [defiant] I am not alarmed, but we did agree...
Captain: [interrupts again] A great many people are depending on our efforts here, Gul Lemec. We don't need to quibble over minutiae.
Gul: [leaning in, inches from Jellico's face] I have come to negotiate a Federation withdrawal from the borders... not to be dictated to by some mere Captain.
Captain: [suddenly gets to his feet and locks eyes with Lemec] I can see you're not serious about these talks.
[Lemec narrows his eyes at Jellico's]
Captain: If the Cardassion Union truly wishes to discuss peace... they can send someone who can negotiate in a civilised manner!
[Jellico storms out, followed by Riker and Troi, leaving behind Lemec, more uncertain than ever]
Lt. Commander Data: [announcing Jellico's presence when he sees the three of them] Captain on the Bridge.
Captain: [amused, but also businesslike] Let him stew for a few minutes, then go in and tell him that you've convinced me to meet with him one more time. Tell him I'm a loose cannon and that he needs to be more reasonable because I'm such an unreasonable man. Lemec will want to bring his own aides on board. Pretend to be worried that I'll object and then give grudging permission for two aides... no more. Understood?
Commander William T. Riker,12585: Aye, Sir.
Commander William T. Riker: [Jellico heads off for the Ready Room] Well, I'll say this for him... he's sure of himself.
Counselor: No, he's not.