The Best Harley Johns Quotes

Don: Sergeant Hoyt Carroll! Serial number 58079086. You'll get nothing from me, you dirty krauts.
[the Truthers chuckle]
Don: You weren't laughing after big week, were you, Fritz? Our mustangs blasting your stukas outta the sky!
Harley: ...What the hell, Doc? Why is he acting like he's on Hogan's Heroes?
Ravi: I have no idea.
Bo: You think this thing's been around since World War? Maybe zombies live forever. Like vampires.

Vivian: I saw the carnage at the Super Max party firsthand. People losing their minds, attacking their friends...
Harley: The zombie outbreak.
Vivian: We're thinking a freak virus that caused the infected to crave brains.
Harley: You're just using different words to say the same thing.

Harley: Do I know you from somewhere?
Olivia: I get that a lot. Don't I get that a lot?
Ravi: She gets that a lot.
Olivia: There's this girl on one of those shows on TV and everyone says i look like her. What's it called?
Ravi: Oh, yes. It's got a dumb name.