The Best Vivian Stoll Quotes

[Vaughn Du Clark holds up two cocktails for his guest Vivian Stoll]
Vaughn: Oh, cocktails! Perfect timing. Cellblock Mango, or Convicted Melon? Which would you prefer, Viv?
Vivian: Vian. I only drink liquor that comes out of a barrel. The way God intended.
Vaughn: Double-fisted it is, then.

[Vivian Stoll saves Liv, Clive, and Major by killing the horde of zombies]
Vivian: [firing her pistol] Get some! Come on! Get some!
Major: Who the hell is that?

[Clive thanks Vivian Stoll for saving their lives from the horde of zombies]
Clive: We were out of ammo. You got here in the nick of time.
Vivian: I'm the new owner here. I'm starting to think I overpaid.

[Vaughn Du Clark tries to ask Vivian Stoll what her plans with Super Max is going to be]
Vaughn: So tell me about all the cool stuff your mercenaries will be doing when you pump 'em full of Super Max. They gonna be dodging bullets Keanu Reeves-style, huh?
Vivian: You know, the thing about private military contractors is that they love gabbing with strangers about what they do.

[Vaughn Du Clark sells his Super Max energy drink to Vivian Stoll]
Vaughn: What can we expect? A new generation of Super Max fueled super-soldiers, making the world's hotspots safe for capitalism, hmm?
Vivan: Don't worry your pretty head about it. I'll sign over the billion dollar check as soon as I'm sure that the product isn't getting blamed for a certain serial killer's actions. I don't want your dirty laundry becoming my dirty laundry.
Vaughn: Always with figurative language, this one.

Vivian: I saw the carnage at the Super Max party firsthand. People losing their minds, attacking their friends...
Harley: The zombie outbreak.
Vivian: We're thinking a freak virus that caused the infected to crave brains.
Harley: You're just using different words to say the same thing.

[Vivian Stoll introduces herself after saving Clive, Liv and Major]
Vivian: Vivian Stoll, Fillmore-Graves Enterprises.
Clive: Clive Babineaux Seattle P.D. This is Olivia Moore from the Medical Examiner's office.
Vivian: You're gonna be a busy girl.
Major: [Major introduces himself] Major Lilywhite. Personal trainer.