20 Best Harry Hogge Quotes

Harry: [during the last few laps of the Daytona 500] This is it! This is what it's all about!

Harry: [Cole is cursing on the radio after a bad pit stop] Hold it while we're on the air.
Cole: I come into the pits, I was in first place, now I am in third with two laps to go!
Harry: Cole, you're in third place, that's a respectable position. Now when they slow down for turn four, I want you to pass them on the outside.
Cole: Harry, you told me nobody passes on the outside in turn four!
Harry: Well now, I'm telling you different. If you go to the outside, you can hold it.
Tim: He's gonna end up in the wall Harry!
Harry: Cole, the pace car is ready to duck on off, I don't have much time to tell you this.
Cole: Well, tell me how?
Harry: Because we have a really good set of matched tires on it.
Tim: What?
Cole: What?
Harry: Those tires are matched perfect and staggered special.
Tim: You're gonna get him killed!
Harry: The pace car is getting ready to duck on off. If you go to the outside, you CAN hold it.
Cole: All right Harry, when it comes to the car, I'll take your word.

[talking to the chassis]
Harry: I'm gonna give you an engine low to the ground... extra thick oil pan to cut the wind from underneath you. It'll give you thirty or forty more horsepower. I'm gonna give you a fuel line that'll hold an extra gallon of gas. I'm gonna shave half an inch off you and shape you like a bullet. I'll get you primed, painted and weighed, and you'll be ready to go out on that racetrack. Hear me? You're gonna be perfect.

[During a pit stop]
Harry: All right. While we're still under a caution, I want you to go back out on that track and hit the pace car.
Cole: Hit the pace car?
Harry: Hit the pace car.
Cole: What for?
Harry: Because you've hit every other goddamned thing out there, I want you to be perfect.

Cole: [after driving a stock car for the first time ever, and only a couple of laps] I'm droppin' the hammer!
Harry: [furious] No you're not!
[Cole does so anyway]

Cole: Now can you walk, or am I gonna have to carry you?
Harry: Where to?
Cole: Victory Lane.
Harry: Walk? Hell... I'll race your ass.

Waddell: Harry tells me your guy runs those Indy-type deals.
Tim: Yeah, sprints mainly. Two World of Outlaw championships, three all-star wins, seven straight feature wins, and he's been driving ASA.
Waddell: [to Harry] Got yourself a real statistician there. He know anything about drivers?
Harry: We'll see.

Harry: [speaking to Cole condescendingly about engines] Now Cole, when that little needle goes up into the red and reads *nine thousand RPM*, that's bad!

Tim: [Walks to tractor] See you're enjoying the good life, Harry?
Harry: Yeah. Well I don't mind spreadin' a little fertilizer round now and then. There's worse things.
Tim: How's the truck runnin'?
Harry: Runs good.
Tim: [pause] I... uh... I want you to build me a car.
Harry: [stops tractor] Now, Tim, everyone knows some downtown car dealer can't afford a race team. And no driver worth a damn is gonna sign with you. Cause they wreck one car, you can't afford to build them another, and their out of the deal, you know. And no car's gonna win without a driver, not even mine.
Tim: [points to Harry] If you built the car, I'd get a damn driver.
Harry: [starts driving tractor] What kinda driver you gonna find after the season's started? Some ole' boy that's washed up, and one worth a shit to begin with.
Tim: You can work with him. You can build a driver like you build a car, Harry.
Harry: [points to dog] Tim, take a look at that hound. Now that's the best coon dog I ever seen or heard about, and I didn't teach him a damn thing.
Tim: Well I got somebody.
Harry: Who?
Tim: Take a look at him.
Harry: Anybody I gotta take a look at ain't somebody.
Tim: Then take a look at nobody.
Harry: [stops tractor] Tim, I give up racin', you gotta know that.
Tim: Ah, you didn't give up racin', Harry. You quit to avoid investigation into Buddy's crash at Daytona.
Harry: Hey, I didn't avoid any God-damn investigation.
Tim: [rolls eyes] Well, anyway, I... uh... I talked to NASCAR and if you come back in there won't be any investigation.
Harry: How they hell you sell 'em on that deal?
Tim: I'm a helluva saleman.

Harry: [after Cole was spun out on the last lap at North Wilkesboro; Harry was upset after the race] Russ Wheeler don't deserve to win Tim, and if NASCAR won't call it low-down, shit-ass racin', you better.
Tim: It's just racing Harry.
Harry: oh, yeah
Tim: Cole Overreacted,yeah!

Cole: Whoa. Her ass is all over the place.
Harry: When the rear end's loose, the car's fast. Loose is fast, and on the edge of out of control.

Harry: I'm settin' you up for cool weather... but if that sun breaks, after you're out on the track, you're liable to get real loose real quick. Now I don't wanna worry you or nothin, but, Cole's not ready for that... he's changed, see, he's changed. You cannot get out of control and expect him to bring you right back. He's liable to hurt you, you're liable to hurt him, and... I couldn't handle that, so, ah, you've gotta take care of him... see... you gotta take care of him.

Harry: [discussing Cole's fearfulness after his big crash by intentionally destroying his engine during a race] You done it deliberate... done it deliberate! Nine thousand, four hundred RPM... according to the little tell-tale button.

Harry: What kind of driver are you going to find after the season's started? Some old boy who's washed up, and wasn't worth a shit to begin with.

Harry: [after Cole gets spun out by Russ] Cole, you OK?
Cole: [Giving Harry a dianogsis of the car before coming onto pit road] The good news is the accelerator's fixed. The bad news is the transmission's screwed. I'm coming in!

Harry: Cole, you're wandering all over the track!
Cole: Yeah, well this son of a bitch just slammed into me.
Harry: No, no, he didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you... he *rubbed* you. And rubbin, son, is racin'.

Tim: If you're from California, you're not a Yankee. You're not really anything.
Harry: You said it.

Harry: Drivers can't stand to be reminded of what can happen to 'em in a racecar. They, they don't go to hospitals, they don't go to funerals. You get a driver to a funeral before he's actually dead, you've made history, darlin'.

Tim: We messed up big time on Sunday. I had sponsors in thew stands and I'm huggin' and holdin' hands and kissin'em in the ears and prayin' for a good showin'. And what do we do? We end up lookin' like a monkey fuckin' a football out there. Everybody out, PLEASE.
[Everyone gets up]
Tim: [to Cole and Harry] ... Except you two. I've got a question. What is the one thing you absolutely need to do to win a race?
Harry: That's pretty damn obvious...
Tim: You keep quiet.
[to Cole]
Tim: You need to finish the race!
Cole: Tim, I realize Harry's been around a long time. I'm not sayin' that his ways are antiquated but it'd help to have a car that handled properly and didn't blow engines.
Harry: Well if he wouldn't get excited and over-rev the son-of-a-bitch the engine wouldn't blow. Now, Cole, when you shift the gear and that little needle on the tach goes into the red and reads 9000 RPMs, that's BAD.
Cole: It's also my fault that the tires blow if you ask this old fart!
Harry: Well, Hell yes it's your fault. There's 40 other vultures out there who manage to finish the race on THEIR tires. You see Darrell Waltrip usin' up HIS tires?
Cole: There's nothin' I can't do with a race car.
Harry: Well, that's the difference between you and me. There's only so much I CAN do.
Cole: Well, that's obvious!
Tim: Harry, he doesn't need to appreciate your job to do his.
Harry: He sure as hell does 'cause how can he expect to race if he don't know what a race car can and can't do?
Cole: What is this shit, huh? You want me to work the pit and YOU drive. Fine, we'll try that.
[Cole leaves the room]
Harry: I can't talk to this son of a bitch... I can't talk to that son of a bitch... I just can't... I can't... I... I...
Tim: You think he can drive?
Harry: Oh he can drive. He can drive beyond the limits of the tires, the engine, the car or anything else. If the sum' bitch listened to me we wouldn't hardly ever lose a race!
Tim: If they don't give us a sponsor in the next couple of races, my ass is fried. I'm liable to be out of the car business all together. And Harry, I know you're great, you know you're great, but if the guy in the car doesn't trust you we're never gonna win a damn race.

Harry: What do you know about stock car racing?
Cole: Well... watched it on television, of course.
Harry: You've seen it on television?
Cole: ESPN. The coverage is excellent, you'd be surprised at how much you can pick up.
Harry: I'm sure I would.