The Best Hero Fiennes Tiffin Quotes

Santo: Malik!
- Is the water good?

Hardin: She took my hand and led me out of the darkness and showed me that whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same.

Mrs. Cole: I must admit to some confusion receiving your letter, Professor Dumbledore. In all the years Tom's been here, he's never once had a family visitor. There have been... incidents with the other children. Nasty things.
[opens the door]
Mrs. Cole: Tom? You have a visitor.
Albus: How do you do, Tom?
Tom: [without turning around] Go.
[cut to a short time later, as Dumbledore sits opposite Tom]
Tom: You're the doctor, aren't you?
Albus: No, I'm a professor.
Tom: I don't believe you. She wants me looked at. They think I'm... different.
Albus: Well, perhaps they're right.
Tom: I'm not mad.
Albus: Hogwarts is not a place for mad people. Hogwarts is a school. A school of magic. You can do things can't you, Tom? That other children can't.
Tom: I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me. I can make them hurt, if I want... Who are you?
Albus: Well, I'm like you, Tom. I'm different.
Tom: Prove it.
[Dumbledore turns and looks at the wardrobe, which bursts into flames. Something rattles on the inside]
Albus: I think there's something in the wardrobe trying to get out, Tom.
[Tom opens the wardrobe, and dumps out the contents]
Albus: Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts, Tom. At Hogwarts you will be taught not only how to use magic, but how to control it. Do you understand me?
[Dumbledore starts to leave]
Tom: I can speak to snakes, too. They find me... whisper things.
[Dumbledore stops, looking surprised]
Tom: Is that normal, for someone like me?

- Tonight we take our blood oath.
- If you wish for a girl to come to your tent, there are girls you can pay in the market.
- No, no, I just want to talk to you.
Santo: Malik!
- Will you come to see me?

[Man] Hurry up, this way, this way!
- Move, damn it!
Santo: Malik!
- Bring a boat! I need a boat!
- No, no, no!