The Best Héloïse Quotes

Heloise: That's the third brownout this week.
Gillen: If we don't fix the Wellspring soon, Your Majesty-...
Margo: One problem at a time, okay? Our soldiers are deserting us in protest, thanks to Julia committing tree genocide.
Tick: Pardon me, Your Majesty. For the official records, may I suggest a slightly less incendiary term? Perhaps "arbicide"?

Eliot: Tick, if I did this, how popular would I be?
Tick: No king has ever volunteered for one-on-one combat. If you were to prevail, you would easily be the greatest leader in Fillorian history.
Heloise,9148: The greatest.
Margo: God, he's already seeing the statues.

Heloise: There are stirrings of rebellion in the southern orchard. The outer islands refusal to pay the crown's taxes.
Margo: You know who loves paying taxes? People with broken legs.

Heloise,9148: [singing] "One more dawn One more day One day more..."
King: I'm confused. Is the duel not today?
Eliot: It's a metaphor.