The Best Interceptor Quotes

Alexander: My fellow Americans, I am Alexander Kessel, son of trust fund billionaire, Alexander Kessel Senior, who you may also know is the current utterly unqualified US ambassador to the United Nations. Now, my associates in Russia control 16 nuclear missiles, and I control the only interceptor missiles that are capable of stopping them. Sixteen American cities have been targeted. 300 million of you will die. One city will be destroyed first so that the rest of you can watch in horror. Missile team one... fire.
[computer voice]
Alexander: Missile launch detected. Missile launch detected. Missile launch detected. Intercept launch expires in 12 minutes.
[Alexander Kessel]
Alexander: Now in 12 minutes, that missile I just launched, will pass over my head, at which point, it will be too late for this interceptor to catch it. But which city has been chosen? Is it yours? Wherever it lands, there's no time to run. You can't flee. If you guessed Los Angeles, congratulations. The City of Angels has 23 minutes left to live.
[panicked chatter]
Alexander: Wait a second. Once Los Angeles is gone, And the fear of every American is at its peak... We're not closing yet... .I will launch a second wave of 15 nuclear missiles. San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, Memphis, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia, Miami, New York. And of course, Washington DC. Today... America dies in a paroxysm of fear. America is the greatest lie ever told. American exceptionalism? Maybe once. When the founders got rid of kings. When they declared that all men are created equal. Now they say ours are United States, but when was that true? Was it true during the Civil War? Or Jim Crow? Hell, is it true now? You know, this national lie, it's a festering wound, and it's fatal. There's no Band-Aid to patch it. No, the only way to save our nation and the promise it once held is to erase it. Start over. So maybe then, when we are staring at each other from across the rubble, we will all agree that this time we're going to get America right.

Beaver: [to Shah] Hey, we still on for tonight?
Shah: Dude, what?
Beaver: Poker. I want to whip them janitors like last time.
Shah: Not now, Beaver.
Beaver: What's wrong with now?
Shah: We're in an emergency.
Beaver: Man, this ain't no emergency. It's one crackpot with a grudge.
[dips his finger in a cup of yogurt]
Beaver: [to Captain Collins] I'd invite you, Ma'am, but there'll probably be a bit of locker room talk.
[lasciviously licks the white yogurt off his finger]
Beaver: [to Shah] I've been practicing against some of the best players in the world with this little green guy
[points to green notebook]
Beaver: . Thing's probably more powerful than this entire room.
JJ: Great story, Beaver. In what chapter do you shut the f**k up?

Alexander: Do you know anything about the fall of Rome? When the barbarians massed outside the city gates they did unspeakable things to try and force the Romans to let them in. Exitus actum probat. The result justifies the deed.

Game: By my calculations, your proposed plan has a 14% chance of success. To give up that command center to a superior force with no certainty of regaining it is what we refer to as a negative outcome inducing event. Are you serious with this shit? Are you willing to gamble every life in America on your ability to retake the center?
JJ: I am.
Game: I'm sorry. I cannot endorse such a move.
JJ: Listen, genius. You're saying my plan is running at 14%? Yours is zero! You haven't been beat up, strangled, or shot defending this rig today. So I think you'll find I'm kind of fucking motivated here.

JJ: Hey. Another thing. Never call a woman by anything other than her name. Not honey, or honey pie, or sugar, or sugar pie, or sweetie, or sweetie pie. Not baby, sweetheart, ho, bitch, and above all, most of all, beyond all else, don't ever, ever, call her darlin'.

President: Oh, and you have another visitor.
JJ: Papa?
JJ's: J.J.
JJ: I... I thought you were...
President: Turns out your dad has some very well armed Army buddies watching over him in that retirement home.
JJ's: They saw what was happening on TV. Broke down my goddamn door.
[holding up his bandaged hand]
JJ's: Saved my finger. Lost my door.

Alexander: I'm not complaining. I was the product of a failed society. A society that consistently rewards money and ignores everything else.

Shah: I don't think this is what heroes look like.
JJ: That's exactly what they look like.

[first lines]
Soldier: [radio transmission] May Day, May Day! We are under attack. Under attack from our own people. They just started shooting. They took out everyone.

Alexander: Whether or not you and I are enemies is completely up to you.
JJ: What's your name?
Alexander: My name is Alexander Kessel.
JJ: You say that like I should know it.
Alexander: And now that you do, you will never forget it.
JJ: How about I just call you asshole?
Alexander: [chuckles] You know, usually it takes a woman a second to reach that conclusion.
JJ: Nothing usual about me.

JJ's: What's the one thing I've taught you since you were little? The one rule in life?
JJ: Never stop fighting.