The Best Jeanne Cooper Quotes

Dan: [notices Denton holding a gun] Wait a minute, Denton. Hey, Gunner! Hey! Where did you get that artillery?
Al: I found it... I found it right over there in the street.
Dan: Is that a fact? Heh! Bet it's a long time since you used one of those, isn't it, rummy?
Al: Yeah, a long time.
Dan: Well, maybe you could use it now. Yeah. Maybe you could even outdraw me.
Al: No, I wouldn't know how to use it anymore.
Dan: Well, let's see you try. Come on. You and me will draw.
Liz: All right. All right. Dan, cut it out. It's not funny anymore.
Dan: Go on. Get away, Liz. The gunner and me, we're gonna have a showdown here. Come on, Gunner. Let's lift it up...
Liz: Oh, Dan, stop it!
Charlie: Come on, Dan. Liz is right.
Dan: GO ON BACK TO THE BAR, CHARLIE! Can't you see we got private business here?
Charlie: Listen, Dan...
[Dan kicks the bar door, sending Charlie tumbling backward]
Dan: Come on. Come on out here. Come on, rummy. Come on!
[Denton walks a few steps forward]
Dan: I'm gonna give you a break, rummy. I'm gonna do it left-handed.
Al: Miss Smith, tell him. Please tell him. Please. Miss Smith, please tell him...
[after waving his gun in his hand, he shoots Hotaling in the left wrist]
Al: Miss Smith, please tell him it was an accident. I don't want any trouble. Mr. Hotaling...
Charlie: That was shooting, Al.
Al: Mr. Hotaling, listen...
Charlie: Come in and get a drink. It's on the house.
[Charlie escorts Denton into the bar]
Charlie: Did you get your eye back, Al? You been practicing or something? We ain't seen shooting like that since I don't know when. Against Hotaling, too.
Al: It isn't even mine.
Charlie: Drinks on the house!
Dan: HEY, RUMMY! Face me, Denton!
Al: [the bar patrons scatter] It was an accident, Mr. Hotaling.
Dan: I'm gonna get this right in your stomach!
Charlie: Dan, give him a break.
Al: I didn't mean to... I didn't even mean to... I didn't even mean to...
[as he's waving his gun, Denton fires again. This time, it causes a lamp to fall on Hotaling's gun]

Katherine: [about Jill] I don't relish coming home and finding this monster is breathing the air that I have to breathe.

Katherine: [to Jill] Go and play in the traffic!