The Best Jenny Quotes

Jenny: You don't take me seriously, do you?
Will: No, I don't.

Will: Jenny listen, I think you're great. You're smart and you're beautiful and I think we've had a lot of fun. But you and I, I just don't think that we...
[Jenny stops the car]
Jenny: Are you breaking up with me? I drive all the way out here with a broken radio by the way and you're... you're going to break up with me!

Jenny: I found out that SD-6 is an ingredient in artificial sweeteners... but that's probably not the SD-6 you're talking about.

Will: Does my voice annoy you?
Jenny: Your voice?
Will: Yeah, I was just going through this interview with Eloise Kurtz and I started thinking about McNeil and the guy had this look in his eyes while I was interviewing him. And with his lawyer, the same thing. They were trying to get away from me.
Jenny: Will, you are journalist for God's sake. You get paid to be annoying.
Will: So you are saying I'm annoying.
Jenny: Not to Danny or Eloise Kurtz.
Will: Oh, so I don't annoy dead people.
Jenny: Will, you are their champion.
Will: What am I doing if I am hurting the people I'm trying to write about? Look, if I could bring back Danny Hecht or Eloise Kurtz I would. But I jus... I can't. And if championing them is gonna cause David McNeil's daughter danger, I can't live with that. I don't think I can do this anymore, this SD-6 story. I'm out.