20 Best Jessie Quotes

James: I want food.
Jessie: Stop that!
Meowth: Yeah, that whining only makes you hungrier.

Misty: Oh no. Staryu's in real pain.
Ash: How can you tell? It doesn't even have a face.
Misty: It's because I'M sensitive to others feelings.
Ash: Oh yeah, like I'm not.

Jessie: Good thing we ran into this sign.
James: Yes, it's a good sign.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble.
James: And make it double.
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.
James: To unite all people within our nation.
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.
James: To extend our reach to the stars above.
Jessie: Jessie.
James: James.
Jessie: Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light.
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Meowth: Meowth. That's right.

Jessie: That is the Fushia Gym.
James: It looks to me like a Japanese restaurant.

Jessie: If Pikachu loses this battle...
James: You're right! It's not worth stealing after all. We've wasted all this time.
Meowth: Maybe you can steal Raichu.

Jessie: This couldn't have worked better if we'd planned it.
James: If we'd planned it, it wouldn't have worked at all!

Flint: Pewter City is grey, the color of stone. My name is Flint, and you're sitting on my merchandise, young man.
Ash: You sell rocks?
Flint: Pewter City souveneirs, you want to buy some?
Ash: No thanks. I'm traveling trying to become a Pokemon trainer.
Flint: Well, your Pokemon is in bad shape. Come on, I'll take you to the Pokemon center.
Ash: He seems like a nice guy.
Misty: Are you sure?
Flint: By the way, that'll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rock.

Jessie: Just once, I'd like to make a dramatic exit that DOESN'T involve a life-threatening explosion.

Jessie: That boy on the poster looks just like you, James.
James: He does? I think he looks pathetic.
Meowth: That's what she meant, James.

Ash: I was so kicking your butt there, Misty!
Misty: What? You know you lost with Butterfree!
Ash: That was just Round 1. After that, I made a huge comeback!
Misty: If Team Rocket hadn't busted in, I would have destroyed you!
Ash: You're lucky they showed up; you were about to lose.
Misty: Lose? I was just getting started!
Ash: Oh yeah?
Misty: Oh yeah!
Brock: Oh brother!

Jessie: Where did you get all that chocolate? You're holding out on us.
James: This is mine. Remember? We all got one yesterday.
Meowth: You ate half of mine.

Jessie: We may be mean and nasty, but we'd never turn our backs on a teammate in trouble.
James: As long as we're not exposed to any actual physical danger.

Jessie: Buried alive and trampled. We've hit rock bottom!

Misty: Isn't that color a little bright for a ninja?

May: Hey! That's my egg!
James: Ahh! That's my Mime Jr.
Jessie: We're here for Elekid and Pikachu.
James: TIME OUT!
[James comes running out of Team Rocket's Golem machine]
May: [May runs up to James] I'll trade you.
James: That sounds like a plan.
May: Here you go!
James: Thanks.
May,42538: Bye!
James: Ahh! My Mime Jr is back where it belongs.
May: [Giggling] I got my egg back.
James: Now Where were we?
Meowth: We were about to take Elekid and Pikachu.

Misty: Just when you give him a break, he has to be a nice guy, too.

[Puffing up]
Jigglypuff: Jiggly puff puff.

Misty: Where's Professor Ivy?
[Brock groans and turns blue]
Ash: Brock? What's wrong?
Brock: I don't want to talk about it
Ash: Why not?
Brock: She mentioned... that name.

Brock: It's all too clear to me now. It was because of a painful separation from its mother that Larvitar is petrified of the outside world. With zero trust in humans.
Misty: That Tyranitar must be Larvitar's mother.
Ash: Poor Larvitar. Lavitar please you have to remember all of the good times that we had together.
Brock: Not all humans are bad. You just have to give us a chance.