20 Best Marc Thompson Quotes

[card game]
Splinter: It is as the great Sage Sakamoto said, "Read them and weep!"
Casey: No way! A royal flush?
Raphael: Aw, come on, Master Splinter, cut us a break!
Splinter: If one cannot afford to pay, one should not play. Suckers!

Raphael: You didn't come all the way down here for the nickel tour. What's the 4-1-1 streetside?
Casey: Graffiti. It's everywhere, all over town.
Michelangelo: And I think I speak for everyone in the room when I say, DUH!
Donatello: We're New Yorkers, Casey. We've seen graffiti before.
Casey: Uh-uh, not this kind.
[Casey holds up a picture of a spear skewering four turtles]
Casey: I think someone's trying to send you a message.

[first lines]
Casey: You know, it's taken me quite a while, but I've really come a long way. I finally got my temper under control. However, there are still a few certain things that can really make my blood boil. Hun is one of them certain things. Me and him, we go way back. When my old man wouldn't pay him for protection money, they torched our store. Yeah, me and him, we still got a score to settle. No matter how I try to plan out this problem, the two of us are headed for a bad, bad, showdown. Who knows? Maybe I haven't come as far as I thought...

[Leonardo, Michaelangelo and Donatello arrive]
Casey: Friends of yours?
Raphael: Brothers actually
Casey: I can see the family resemblance.
Michaelangelo: I'm the pretty one.

Casey: These the only DVDs you got?
Michelangelo: Yeah. In fact, why don't you borrow some and watch them at home?
Casey: That's okay, I'll watch them here.
[walks over to the DVD player]
Casey: C'mon, eject, EJECT! You useless piece of...!
[smashes the machine; Mikey screams]
Casey: Whoa, think your player's broken.
Donatello: Uh, no problem... I'll fix it, in the morning!
Casey: [to Donnie] Whatcha working on?
Donatello: Uh... boring stuff! Really really boring stuff!

[Leo, Mikey, and Don arrive in the Battle Shell to back up Casey and Raph]
Casey: Friends of yours?
Raphael: Brothers, actually.
Casey: I can see the family resemblance.
Michelangelo: I'm the pretty one!

Casey: Don't worry, I'm ok! A door just slammed my head!

Casey: What do we do?
April: It's Don, right? Try talking to him!
Casey: Talk to him, are you nuts? He's a savage, freaky monster, and YOU JUST WHACKED HIM IN THE FACE WITH A BROOM!

April: [to Casey] You aren't going anywhere, mister. You wait right here till I get some more bandages.
Raphael: You wouldn't be milking this boo-boo thing, wouldja Case?
Casey: Hey, show a little concern, shell-for-brains.
Raphael: [winks and nudges Casey] You owe us one, pal.
Casey: Definitely.
[winces in pain]
Casey: Ow!

April: Don't mind him he's the village idiot.
Casey: Hey.

[first lines]
Casey: I guess you could say I'm having a bad hair day... and a bad head day, and a bad neck day, and a bad shoulder day, and a bad pretty much everything right down to my pinky toe day. That walking landmass down there, I have him to thank for my current full body makeover.
Hun: Tonight's cage match championship will determine which team will win the honor of ridding the Purple Dragons of a most hated enemy!

[as Casey and April kiss, the ground rumbles]
Casey: Whoa...

April: [Talking on a cell phone to Donatello] Hey guys I can't believe I'm talking to you!
Casey: Me neither. When did you get three-way calling?
April: [April slaps Casey] Hello? Alive?

Officer: Did you see that? Some little green men in an armored car just threw a bunch of money at us!
Officer: Feh, rookie...

[Splinter thought Casey was an intruder]
Splinter: Please forgive my rash actions.
Casey: No problemo.
Splinter: Although next time, you would be wise to heed the ancient Japanese proverb: Phone first!

Casey: Somebody's gotta stop those Purple Dragons. Somebody's gotta make them pay! And they will pay. They'll all pay! 'Cuz Casey Jones is on the job!

Michaelangelo: [after Michelangelo finds April's Shop] Well, there was this big fight...
Casey: Whoa! Big fight? Why wasn't I invited?

Casey: [Being a distraction] What kind of customer service is this?

April: Why of all the myopic, misogynistic...
Casey: How are supposed to talk when you don't even speak English?

Casey: Wake up, Raphy, Christmas came early this year!
[tosses Raph a bag containing weapons]
Raphael: Thank you, Santa!