The Best Rodger Parsons Quotes

[On board a ship, Ash's former classmate, Lillie is playing the piano, looking very melancholy. Lusamine and Gladion are sitting behind her, looking thoughtful as well]
Narrator: Ash's friend from the Alola region, Lillie, along with her mother and brother are searching for their missing father, Mohn.
[as Lillie continues to play, memories of her father come back to her]
Professor: [In Lillie's memory] Take care of, Lillie. Protect my princess. She's my precious little lady, after all.
Lillie: [in the present, thinking] Father
[as Lillie continues to play, Magearna suddenly heads to the window as Snowy follows]
Lillie: [stops playing] Snowy?
[Magearna shines its light in the direction of Mohn's apparent location: The Crown Tundra]
Lusamine: The direction the light's pointing in... is it?
Gladion: The Crown Tundra. It fits with all the data we've accumulated so far.
Lillie: Do you think... it's where Father is?

Narrator: So the story continues
James: Drats! We just wasted this entire episode cheering for the good guys.
Narrator: That's right James.