The Best Rica Matsumoto Quotes

May: Hey! That's my egg!
James: Ahh! That's my Mime Jr.
Jessie: We're here for Elekid and Pikachu.
James: TIME OUT!
[James comes running out of Team Rocket's Golem machine]
May: [May runs up to James] I'll trade you.
James: That sounds like a plan.
May: Here you go!
James: Thanks.
May,42538: Bye!
James: Ahh! My Mime Jr is back where it belongs.
May: [Giggling] I got my egg back.
James: Now Where were we?
Meowth: We were about to take Elekid and Pikachu.

May: Come on! I've seen slugma run faster than you. Nuuuuummmm!
Max,: [growling] You are a slugma!
Brock: [sighs] It's great to see those two get along so well.