The Best Jorge Martínez de Hoyos Quotes

[Chris and the villagers are in the bar]
Sotero: There's one - look at the scars on his face!
Hilario: The man for us is the one who GAVE him that face.
Chris: Hey, you learn fast.

Hilario: Even if we had the guns, we know how to plant and grow, we don't know how to kill.
Old: Then learn, or die!

Hilario: The feeling I felt in my chest this morning, when I saw Calvera run away from us, that's a feeling worth dying for. Have you ever felt something like that?
Vin: Not for a long, long time. I envy you.

Hilario: We must buy guns. We know nothing about them. Will you buy guns for us?
Chris: Guns are very expensive and hard to get.
Chris: Why don't you hire men?
Hilario: Men?
Chris: Gunmen. Nowadays men are cheaper than guns.
Hilario: Would you go?
Tomas: It would be a blessing if you came to help us!
Chris: [shaking his head] Sorry, I'm not in the blessing business.
Hilario: No no, we offer more than that! We could feed you every day!
Tomas: [taking out a sack] And we have this!
Chris: What is that?
Tomas: We can sell this for gold! Everything we own, everything of value in the village.
Chris: Well, I've been offered a lot for my work... but never everything.

Hilario: Very young and very proud.
Chris: Well, the graveyards are full of boys who were very young and very proud.