The Best Jyn Erso Quotes

Jyn: [Answering to what chances the Rebellion has against the Death Star] What chance do we have? The question is "what choice." Run, hide, plead for mercy, scatter your forces. You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission. The time to fight is now!

Rebel: [over the radio] What's your call sign, pilot?
Bodhi: Um...
Jyn: We have to go.
Bodhi: It's, um...
Jyn: Say something. Come on.
Bodhi: Rogue. Rogue One.
Rebel: Rogue One? There is no Rogue One.
K: Well, there is now.

Bodhi: There's a planet-wide defensive shield with a single main entry gate. This shuttle should be equipped with an access code that allows us through.
K: Assuming the Empire hasn't logged it as overdue.
Jyn: And if they have?
Bodhi: Then they shut the gate. And we're all annihilated in the cold, dark vacuum of space.
K: Not me... I can survive in space.

K: I can blend in. I'm an Imperial droid. The city is under Imperial occupation.
Jyn: Half the people here wanna reprogram you. The other half wanna put a hole in your head.

Baze: You don't look happy.
Jyn: They prefer to surrender.
Baze: And you?
Chirrut: She wants to fight.
Bodhi: So do I. We all do.
Chirrut: The Force is strong.
Jyn: I'm not sure four of us is quite enough.
Baze: How many do we need?
Jyn: What are you talking about?
[he gestures to something behind her; turning around, she sees Cassian and a ragtag group of Rebels]
Cassian: They were never gonna believe you.
Jyn: I appreciate the support.
Cassian: But I do. I believe you. We'd like to volunteer. Some of us - well, most of us - we've all done terrible things on behalf of the Rebellion. Spies, saboteurs, assassins. Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion. And every time I walked away from something I wanted to forget, I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in. A cause that was worth it. Without that, we're lost. Everything we've done would have been for nothing. I can't face myself if I gave up now. None of us could.

Jyn: If we can make it to the ground, we'll take the next chance. And the next. On and on until we win... or the chances are spent.

Jyn: I'm not used to people sticking around when things go bad.
Cassian: Welcome home.

Jyn: We have hope. Rebellions are built on hope!

[from trailer]
Mon: On your own from the age of fifteen; reckless, aggressive, and undisciplined.
Jyn: This is a rebellion, isn't it? I rebel.

Jyn: You lied about why we came here and you lied about why you went up alone.
Cassian: I had every chance to pull the trigger, but did I?
[looking to Chirrut and Baze]
Cassian: *Did* I?
Jyn: You might as well have. My father was living proof and you put him at risk. Those were Alliance bombs that killed him.
Cassian: I had orders. Orders that I disobeyed. But you wouldn't understand that.
Jyn: Orders? When you know they're wrong? You might as well be a stormtrooper.
Cassian: What do you know? We don't all have the luxury of deciding when and where we want to care about something. Suddenly the Rebellion is real for you. Some of us live it. I've been in this fight since I was *six* years old. You're not the only one who lost everything. Some of us just decided to do something about it.
Jyn: You can't talk your way around this.
Cassian: I don't have to.

Saw: You can stand to see the Imperial flag reign across the galaxy?
Jyn: It's not a problem if you don't look up.

Jyn: [searching for the Death Star plans] "Stardust." That's it.
Cassian: How do you know that?
Jyn: I know because it's me.

Jyn: [from celebration reel] May the Force be with us.

K: I'm surprised you're so concerned with my safety.
Jyn: I'm not. I'm just worried they might miss you... and hit me.
K: [quietly, so Jyn can't hear] Doesn't sound so bad to me.

K: [after Jyn shoots an identical droid] Did you know that wasn't me?
Jyn: [obviously lying] Yeah. Of course.

Cassian: [referring to Jyn's blaster] Where'd you get that?
Jyn: I found it.
K: I find that answer vague and unconvincing.

[from trailer]
K: The captain says you're a friend. I will not kill you.
Jyn: Thanks.

K: I see the Council is sending you with us to Jedha.
Jyn: Apparently so.
K: That is a bad idea. I think so, and so does Cassian. What do I know? My specialty is just strategic analysis.

K: I've got a bad feeling about...
Cassian: K!
Jyn: Quiet!