Top 20 Quotes From Donnie Yen

John: Caine.
Caine: John. Saying goodbyes?
John: I'm saying hello.
Caine: You think your wife can hear you?
John: No.
Caine: Well, why bother?
John: Maybe I'm wrong.
Caine: The dead are gone. Only the living matter. After my daughter was born, I wanted to leave this life. I thought I did.
John: But you didn't.
Caine: We're damned, you and I.
John: On that we agree.
Caine: My daughter's not. If it's between you and her, you're going to die.
John: Maybe not.
Caine: I missed you, John. It's so good to sit with a friend.
John: I'll see you tomorrow.

Miura: [after witnessing Ip Man single-handedly defeat ten Japanese fighters at once] What's your name?
Ip: I'm just a Chinese man.

Chirrut: [to Baze Malbus] You almost shot me.
Baze: You're welcome.

Caine: [after all the hands for the card game have been revealed] . You have five 2's, don't you? You cheating bastard!

Chirrut: The strongest stars have hearts of kyber.

Ip: [Facing the Northerner Ip Man adopts his combat stance with an unsettling mixture of mettle and serenity] Wing Chun, Ip Man.

John: Those who cling to death; live.
Caine: Those who cling to life; die.

Marquis: Remember your daughter.
Caine: Fuck off.

Commander: What is your name, soldier?
Mulan: Hua Jun, Commander, son of Hua Zhou.

[from trailer]
Chirrut: Take hold of this moment. The force is strong.

Caine: [From trailer] Saying goodbyes?
John: Saying hello.
Caine: You think your wife can hear you?
John: No.
Caine: Then why bother?
John: Maybe I'm wrong.
Caine: You're going to die.
John: Maybe not.

Chirrut: [bag gets put over his head] Are you *kidding* me? I'm blind!

Chirrut: I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me.

Commander: [to Hua Mulan after she asks to be executed instead of expelled from the emperor's Imperial Army when her identity was revealed] Then from this moment forward, you are expelled from the emperor's Imperial Army and if you show your face again, your wish to be executed, will gladly be granted.

Chirrut: And I fear nothing. For all is as the Force wills it.
[attacks stormtroopers]

Nameless: Halt!
Sky: What can a minor official do?
Nameless: This is my territory.
Sky: And?
Nameless: You are on the kings most wanted list; I am here to place you under arrest!
[lifts sword ready to fight]

Xiang: I'm in this hospital bed. I'm barely conscious. Delirious. Drowning in my own blood. And all I can hear myself think is, "Today's the day. Today's the day you die."
Xander: I'm touched.
Xiang: Then a man comes along, tells me a story about a drought in California. About skateboards and swimming pools. About a man named Xander Cage.
Adele: [on ear-piece] Oh, shit. He's Triple-X.
Xander: I heard he was dead.
Serena: Is he?
Xiang: We are all Triple-X. We just have different agendas. She wants to destroy it. I'm gonna use it. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you take it back to the NSA.

Chirrut: Look for the Force...
Baze: Chirrut.
Chirrut: ...and you will always find me.

Ip: [hits Lei] Traitor!
Captain: Why am I a traitor? Their deaths have got nothing to do with me. I'm just an interpreter. I need to scrape a living too!
Ip: Scrape a living? You watch your countrymen get beaten to death. Where's your dignity?
[walks away]
Captain: I don't have any. You do. You have lots of it. If you have the guts, go beat them! Beat as many as you can! I'm an interpreter, not a traitor...
[throws book to the ground and shouts in Japanese]
Captain: I'm a Chinese man!

Baze: You don't look happy.
Jyn: They prefer to surrender.
Baze: And you?
Chirrut: She wants to fight.
Bodhi: So do I. We all do.
Chirrut: The Force is strong.
Jyn: I'm not sure four of us is quite enough.
Baze: How many do we need?
Jyn: What are you talking about?
[he gestures to something behind her; turning around, she sees Cassian and a ragtag group of Rebels]
Cassian: They were never gonna believe you.
Jyn: I appreciate the support.
Cassian: But I do. I believe you. We'd like to volunteer. Some of us - well, most of us - we've all done terrible things on behalf of the Rebellion. Spies, saboteurs, assassins. Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion. And every time I walked away from something I wanted to forget, I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in. A cause that was worth it. Without that, we're lost. Everything we've done would have been for nothing. I can't face myself if I gave up now. None of us could.