The Best Karl Dreyer Quotes

Arvin: We both are. We're both doing our job. And I look at Sydney Bristow's test results - I don't see a single spike. She didn't falter once.
SD: She's guilty. She's the one.
Arvin: I think that's a dangerous accusation made by a desperate man.
SD: I'm not desperate, Mr. Sloane. But I am curious why you feel the need to defend Miss Bristow?

SD: [to Sloane] Sydney Bristow's the mole... if you don't follow protocol on this, I'm going to The Alliance.

Arvin: You have your answer regarding Sydney Bristow.
SD: What are you protecting?
Arvin: Mr. Dreyer, I still believe we have a situation here at SD-6. I strongly suggest you keep looking for the mole and stop questioning every decision I make.