The Best Kris Fowles Quotes

Kris: I'm having these dreams... and there's this man... and he's burned

Freddy: You really shouldn't fall asleep in class.
[scratches chalkboard]
Freddy: Hi, Kris.
Kris: [backing away from Krueger] Who are you?
Freddy: [walking towards Fowles] You look just as beautiful as ever.
[raises his glove]
Freddy: You have nothing to worry about. This wont hurt one... little... bit.

Kris: [sees picture on Dean's grave] You knew Dean that far back?
Kris: Jesus, that is me. But I don't know how I'm in that picture. I didn't meet Dean until high school.

Kris: Dean said something right before he died...
Jesse: Oh, please don't...
Kris: He said, "You're not real." He kept repeating it over and over again. Do you have any idea what that means?
Jesse: No. I don't. Think about. What would it mean? Dean was on a truck load of medication when...
Kris: Jesse, when it happened, it was like somebody was making him do it but there was nobody there. Jesse, you have to believe me!
Jesse: Kris, it was late and you were scared! Your mind was just playing tricks on you that's all...
Nancy: [approaches Kris] I believe you.
Kris: You do?
Nancy: I've seen, I saw...
Jesse: You didn't see anything. You weren't there. Kris was. She's already fucked up, so leave her alone!
Nancy: [Kris and Jesse leave] You have no idea what I've seen...