The Best Nancy Holbrook Quotes

Quentin: Look, if you really wanna talk, how come over the last couple of years, whenever I've invited you out, you've just never shown up?
Nancy: I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't exactly fit in.
Quentin: Ok, look. If we survive the next 24 hours, then I'll take you out on a real date.
Nancy: And what if I say no?
Quentin: Why don't you sleep on it?

Quentin: Nancy, I can't let you go to sleep, you're not gonna wake up.
Nancy: I know you won't let that happen.

Nancy: [Cuts off Freddy's hand] It hurts now, doesn't it? That because you're in my world now, bitch!

Kris: Dean said something right before he died...
Jesse: Oh, please don't...
Kris: He said, "You're not real." He kept repeating it over and over again. Do you have any idea what that means?
Jesse: No. I don't. Think about. What would it mean? Dean was on a truck load of medication when...
Kris: Jesse, when it happened, it was like somebody was making him do it but there was nobody there. Jesse, you have to believe me!
Jesse: Kris, it was late and you were scared! Your mind was just playing tricks on you that's all...
Nancy: [approaches Kris] I believe you.
Kris: You do?
Nancy: I've seen, I saw...
Jesse: You didn't see anything. You weren't there. Kris was. She's already fucked up, so leave her alone!
Nancy: [Kris and Jesse leave] You have no idea what I've seen...

Nancy: [Sees a book in their pile] What's this one doing here?
Quentin: It's The Pied Piper of Hamelin. I saw it in one of my dreams. It's about a guy who's betrayed by a town and gets his revenge by taking away their children.
Nancy: I keep dreaming about children, too. And then there's also a school.
Quentin: Well, it's gotta mean something.
Nancy: Yeah, but, I mean, what? We didn't go to school together until, like, 6th grade.

Nancy: [off screen] Krueger!
Freddy: [to Quentin] Your girlfriend's here. Be right back.

Freddy: Little Nancy. Now that you caught me, what game do you wanna play next?
Nancy: Fuck you!
Freddy: Ooh, sounds like fun. It's a little fast for me. How about we hang, first?
[Freddy grabs Nancy and makes her turn to face the bodies of her friends]
Nancy: No. It's not real.
Freddy: It's real. I'm real.

Nancy: Hey, Quentin. Nightmare's over.

Quentin: [Storms into his father's office] You killed Kruger.
Alan: Where'd you here that name?
Quentin: You chased him, you cornered him and you burned him to death. You hunted him!
Alan: We were not hunting. We were protecting you.
Quentin: [shouting] From what?
Alan: From *him*. From what he did to you. From what you kids said he did to you.
Quentin: [shouting] We were five! We would've said anything! Why didn't you do to the police?
Alan: You were so young.
Quentin: [Whipspers to himself] No. God! And the things we said he did. The cave. Did you ever find it?
Alan: No.
Quentin: How do you know that he was guilty?
[His father looks uncertain]
Nancy: Oh, my god!
Quentin: You killed an innocent man!
Alan: Mm-mm. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that night, Quentin.
Quentin: Good, you deserve at least that.
Alan: Quentin, when you grow up and you have kids, I hope you never know the feeling of utterly failing to protect them.

Quentin: Don't you ever get tired of working here every weekend?
Nancy: Don't you ever get tired of coming here every weekend?
[Quentin smiles]

Quentin: We were wrong. He's not after us because we lied. He's after us because we told the truth.
Nancy: He brought us here so we could remember what he did to us.

Freddy: Little Nancy. All grown up.
Nancy: [backing up] You're just a nightmare.
Freddy: [moving closer to Thompson] That's right. No one can ever prove I was ever here.
Nancy: Who are you?
Freddy: You don't remember? You must. You're my number one. You're my... little Nancy.
[licks Thompson's cheek]
Nancy: [moves face away] I set the alarm.
Freddy: Yes, you did. In your dream.
[sinister laugh; holds Thompson's hand in his clawed one; sniffs her hair]
Freddy: You smell different.

Resident: I'm gonna give you a little something for the pain. It'll put you right out.
Nancy: No, mom, I don't want it. I don't want it, mom, I don't want it.
Dr. Gwen Holbrook: Shh, it's okay. It's okay.
Nancy: No, mom, no. I don't want it. I don't want it. Don't let her do it.
Resident: This might sting a bit.
[Her hand becomes Freddy's glove]
Nancy: [Shrieks] NO!

Quentin: Look, we're running out of time.
Nancy: What do you mean?
Quentin: [Reading a book] But then it says at the 70-hour mark the insomniac will begin to experience micro-naps. "His brain will begin to shut down its functions for several seconds in an attempt to recharge itself." Which basically means you're dreaming, but you don't know it. Like, even if you're awake. And then it says that after that, your brain will shut down, inducing a coma. Which is permanent sleep.

Nancy: Memories don't kill you.

Nancy: He brought us here so that we would remember what he did to us.
Quentin: [Slams his hands against the bed he's sitting on] *Fuck!*

Nancy: [after Quentin storms out of his father's office] Quentin! Quentin, wait!
[Quentin punches the lockers]
Nancy: Wait!
Quentin: WHAT?
Nancy: Slow down!
[Nancy grabs his arm]
Nancy: Stop!
Quentin: We got him killed. Our stories... Our lies.
Nancy: What if we can make him stop?
Quentin: What if we can't?

Freddy: [Nancy is screaming] Oh, that's music to my ears.
Nancy: [struggling] I wanna wake up!
Freddy: You can't wake up. I had to keep you awake long enough so when you finally slept, you'd never wake up again. We're gonna be in here a long time. Did you really think your boyfriend could wake you up?
[puts claw on chest]
Freddy: I'm your boyfriend now.

Quentin: You can't just take that. You have no idea what it's gonna do to you.
Quentin: You know what? That is kind of the least of my concerns right now, so, do you want some?
Nancy: No.
[Quentin sticks himself in the leg]