The Best Katie Cassidy Quotes

[as Cisco and Caitlin impersonate Reverb and Killer Frost]
Black: You know, all doppelgängers, they're mirror images of themselves, but you two... you didn't know that, did you?
Caitlin: Reverb is left-handed...
Cisco: Well, I just... I just happen to... catch it with my right... RUN!

Kris: [sees picture on Dean's grave] You knew Dean that far back?
Kris: Jesus, that is me. But I don't know how I'm in that picture. I didn't meet Dean until high school.

Black: Laurel Lance is dead - on this Earth, anyway. Poor Black Canary. Bye-bye, birdy.

Jess: Schmidt! Schmidt, I need you to help me get these off so I can go find Nick!
Brooke: God, are you friends with that girl?
Jess: Schmidt!
Schmidt: Okay, look, I... I didn't want to have to tell you this, but... she was a mistake I made when I hit rock bottom. It was like I was her Sid and she was my Nancy, and then I got sober and she couldn't deal with it, and the poor thing just went... she went crazy.
Jess: Schmidt, I need you to come help me slap my thighs around!
Schmidt: Look, I don't want to scare you, but she can be really dangerous when she drinks. Okay? I shouldn't even be in the same room with her, it's just... it feels so good talking to you.
Brooke: Maybe we should get you out of here.
Schmidt: What a great idea. Yes!
Brooke: I just have to go to the bathroom really quickly.
Schmidt: What-whatever you need. Whatever you... of course.

Laurel: Hey. You show this to anyone, I'll kill you.
Cisco: That's just an expression, right?
Laurel: Nope.

Sara: This isn't real.
Laurel: No, it's not. You can remake reality, however you see fit
[Laurel hands Sara the Spear of Destiny]
Sara: You were always the better of us, Laurel. You were the strong one. I'm damaged.
[Sara hands the spear back to Laurel]
Laurel: I know.
[Laurel returns the spear to Sara]
Sara: The Gambit, Lian Yu, League of Assassins, you dying. I could take it all back.
Laurel: But you won't.
Sara: Everything, that has happened to me. All the suffering that I endured has led to this moment, hasn't it?
Laurel: The spear doesn't want someone pure of heart. It needs someone strong enogh to do the right thing. Sara, it needs you.
Sara: Even if doing the right thing means not having you back?
Laurel: I'm never to far away.
Sara: I love you.
Laurel: I love you too.

Leo: War's over! Bad guys and girls lost. Nazi regime's been dismantled. And the rebellion's in charge now. Why don't you turn yourself in? Save us the Tom and Jerry. Find some other misguided cause to get all aggro about.
Siren: [knocking him backwards with her Siren Scream] Not this knight. I will fight until every last one of you finds the same fate as my brothers and sisters.
Leo: [he's rescued by the Flash] Your timing is impeccable.

Black: I met your little red friend tonight. Aren't you gonna ask me if I killed him?
Hunter: You didn't. You're good but not that good.
Black: And yet I seem to be the only one of your top lieutenants still standing.
Hunter: Like I said, you're good, so why don't you go knock down a few more buildings like I ordered.
Black: What's the point?
Hunter: The point is so that it seems random. That way The Flash and his merry band won't realize what I'm up to till it's too late.
Black: What are you up to?
Hunter: No good.

Cisco: How do you know Barry? You guys, like, friends or something?
Laurel: Not really. We met last time he was in Starling City visiting my friends - John Diggle, Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen.
Cisco: Three people who have absolutely nothing in common... as far as I know.
Laurel: Cisco, I know Barry's the Flash and Oliver's the Arrow.
[Cisco chuckles]
Cisco: How do you know that?
Laurel: [whispers] Because... I'm the Black Canary.
Cisco: Stop playing.
Laurel: It's true.
Cisco: You stop it right now. No.
[Cisco laughs]
Laurel: Okay, okay. Calm down.
Cisco: I... love you. I mean, I love the way that you beat up criminals.

Freddy: You really shouldn't fall asleep in class.
[scratches chalkboard]
Freddy: Hi, Kris.
Kris: [backing away from Krueger] Who are you?
Freddy: [walking towards Fowles] You look just as beautiful as ever.
[raises his glove]
Freddy: You have nothing to worry about. This wont hurt one... little... bit.

Jess: Schmidt is very fond of you.
Brooke: Um, look, I don't... I-I-I... I, uh, I don't even really know him that well, okay?
Jess: Oh. I'm just cutting off my underwear. You know.
Jess: Girl stuff.

Kris: I'm having these dreams... and there's this man... and he's burned

Kris: Dean said something right before he died...
Jesse: Oh, please don't...
Kris: He said, "You're not real." He kept repeating it over and over again. Do you have any idea what that means?
Jesse: No. I don't. Think about. What would it mean? Dean was on a truck load of medication when...
Kris: Jesse, when it happened, it was like somebody was making him do it but there was nobody there. Jesse, you have to believe me!
Jesse: Kris, it was late and you were scared! Your mind was just playing tricks on you that's all...
Nancy: [approaches Kris] I believe you.
Kris: You do?
Nancy: I've seen, I saw...
Jesse: You didn't see anything. You weren't there. Kris was. She's already fucked up, so leave her alone!
Nancy: [Kris and Jesse leave] You have no idea what I've seen...

Laurel: After you died, I needed a channel for my grief. I found it in becoming the Black Canary. I found it in you.
Sara: For me, being the Canary was never that positive.
Laurel: Then don't be the Canary. Do what Oliver's been doing. Do what this Rip Hunter is offering you the chance to do and... be a hero in the light. Be the White Canary.
Sara: [Laurel shows her the White Canary costume] Where did you get this?
Laurel: I have a resourceful friend named Cisco.
Sara: Where's the mask?
Laurel: You don't need it anymore. You've lived in the shadows long enough.