The Best Freddy Krueger Quotes

Freddy: Remember me?

Freddy: You really shouldn't fall asleep in class.
[scratches chalkboard]
Freddy: Hi, Kris.
Kris: [backing away from Krueger] Who are you?
Freddy: [walking towards Fowles] You look just as beautiful as ever.
[raises his glove]
Freddy: You have nothing to worry about. This wont hurt one... little... bit.

Freddy: [Kris finds her dog mangled] I was just petting him.

Freddy: Why are you screaming?
Freddy: I haven't even cut you yet!

Freddy: [to a young Nancy] If you can keep a secret, I'll take you to a special place.

Freddy: [to Quentin, who he's beat against a pipe, cut down his chest, thrown against a mirror, and punched in the face] Now why don't you just fucking *die*?

Freddy: [while slamming Quentin's face into a pipe] You can't save her.
[Turns him around]
Freddy: Tag. You're it.
[Makes a slash across his chest]

Alan: You open this door, Krueger!
Freddy: What do you think I did? I didn't do anything!

Freddy: [to Nancy] You can't hurt me. This is my world. And you can't ever leave.

Freddy: Little Nancy. Now that you caught me, what game do you wanna play next?
Nancy: Fuck you!
Freddy: Ooh, sounds like fun. It's a little fast for me. How about we hang, first?
[Freddy grabs Nancy and makes her turn to face the bodies of her friends]
Nancy: No. It's not real.
Freddy: It's real. I'm real.

Freddy: [to Jesse] Did you know that after the heart stops beating, the brain can function for well over seven minutes?
Freddy: We got six more minutes to play.

Jesse: [as he finds himself asleep and dreaming] Oh, God!
Freddy: No. Just me...

Freddy: Wake up! You're bleeding.

Freddy: [Nancy is screaming] Oh, that's music to my ears.
Nancy: [struggling] I wanna wake up!
Freddy: You can't wake up. I had to keep you awake long enough so when you finally slept, you'd never wake up again. We're gonna be in here a long time. Did you really think your boyfriend could wake you up?
[puts claw on chest]
Freddy: I'm your boyfriend now.

Freddy: Nice try, Nancy. Now let me take a stab.

Nancy: [off screen] Krueger!
Freddy: [to Quentin] Your girlfriend's here. Be right back.

Freddy: [Nancy falls into a pool of blood] How's this for a wet dream?

Freddy: Little Nancy. All grown up.
Nancy: [backing up] You're just a nightmare.
Freddy: [moving closer to Thompson] That's right. No one can ever prove I was ever here.
Nancy: Who are you?
Freddy: You don't remember? You must. You're my number one. You're my... little Nancy.
[licks Thompson's cheek]
Nancy: [moves face away] I set the alarm.
Freddy: Yes, you did. In your dream.
[sinister laugh; holds Thompson's hand in his clawed one; sniffs her hair]
Freddy: You smell different.

Freddy: Your mouth says no...
[moving his claw up Nancy's leg]
Freddy: But your body says yes...