The Best Lester Snyder Quotes

Lester: How long have you known Ms. Levinson?
Michael: 6 years and 2 months.
Lester: And you were directly under her the entire time?
Michael: That's what she said.
Lester: Excuse me?
Michael: That's what she said.
Lester: Ms. Levinson told you that she was your direct superior?

Michael: Hey, Snyder, real quick. What do you call a butt load of lawyers driving off a cliff?
Lester: A good start. And I think it's busload.
Michael: Yeah, a bunch of rich lawyers took the bus.
[to Jan]
Michael: Where did you find this guy?

Lester: Did Ms. Levinson ever say why she thought she was being fired?
Michael: She thought it had to do with the twins. That's what I call them.
Lester: Can you be more specific? Who are the twins?
Michael: Um, to be delicate, they hang off M'lady's chest. They make milk.
Lester: You don't need to go any further.