The Best Maj. Bruce Crandall Quotes

Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: I got a problem, Snake Shit, and I think you're the solution.
Maj. Bruce Crandall: I've been called a lot of things, Colonel, never a solution.

Medevac: Crandall! You led my men into a hot LZ!
Crandall: Yeah, somebody had to fly out the wounded...
Medevac: No, no, don't you play hotshot with me! Now, you know the rules. You suckered us in there. You ever do it again, I'm gonna have you busted!
[shoves Crandall]
Crandall: [pulls out his revolver] You've got the balls to face me but not enough balls to face the enemy?
Capt. Ed 'Too Tall' Freeman: Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Whoa!
[seperates the two and maintains the distance]
Crandall: If I ever see you again, I'll kill you! That's right...
Medevac: [walks off in silence]
Capt. Ed 'Too Tall' Freeman: Hey... what a day, huh?
Crandall: Tomorrow will get worse. If they make it to tomorrow.

Crandall: My men call me Snakeshit, sir.
Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: Why do they call you that?
Crandall: Because I fly "lower than snakeshit," sir.