The Best Mary Quotes

Mary: Hey, you want to go upstairs and watch SportsCenter?
Ted: No, I think I'm just going to quit while I'm ahead.
Mary: You're not that far ahead, Ted.

[to her girlfriends]
Mary: I want a guy who can play 36 holes of golf, and still have enough energy to take Warren and me to a baseball game, and eat hot dogs, I'm talking sausage hot dogs and beer, not lite beer, but beer. That's my ad, print it up.
Brenda: Hmm... a fatty who likes golf and beer. Gee, Mary, where are you gonna find a gem like that?

Pat: My real passion is my hobby.
Mary: Really, what's that?
Pat: I work with retards.
Mary: Isn't that a little, uhm, politically incorrect?
Pat: Well, heh, to hell with that... no one's going to tell me who I can and can't work with, right?
Mary: No, I mean...
Pat: We got this one kid, Mongo... He's got a forehead like a drive-in movie theatre, but he's a good ship. So we don't bust his chops too much. So, one day Mongo gets out of his cage...
Mary: They keep him in a cage?
Pat: Well, it's just an enclosure...
Mary: No, but they keep him confined?
Pat: Right, yeah.
Mary: That's bullshit!
Pat: Well, that's what I said! So, I went out and I got him, uh, I got him a leash.
Mary: A leash?
Pat: Yeah, one of those ones you can hook on the clothesline, and he can run back and forth and, uh, there's plenty of room for him to dig and play. That kid is really, uh, he's really blossomed.

Mary: Who needs him? I've got a vibrator!

Mary: Is that... is that hair gel?

[while Mary's suitors are quarreling, Brett Favre comes into the room, giving Warren a piggyback ride]
Brett: Hi, Mary!
Mary: [astonished] Brett?
Pat: What the hell is Brett Favre doing here?
Brett: I'm in town to play the Dolphins, you dumb-ass.
Ted: Yeah, I called him, Mary. I told him to pick up Warren and get down here. See, your friend Tucker was lying about a couple of other things.
[Norm, Dom and Pat ease over to the window, apparently afraid of Brett Favre]
Ted: Brett never said those bad things about Warren. He loves Warren. And from what he told me on the phone just now, he loves you, too. He's the guy you should be with.

Ted: Do you think maybe you wanna maybe, I don't know, go out to dinner, you know, catch up on old times?
Mary: Didn't we just do that?
Ted: Oh, uh...
Mary: I'm fucking with you, Ted!

Ted: I say they should put more meats on a stick, you know? They got a lot of sweets on sticks-popsicles, fudgesicles, lollipops - but hardly any meat.
Mary: I agree there should be more.
Ted: You know what I'd like to see? Meat in a cone. You could put corned beef hash in a cone, or chopped liver.

Mary: Did you really mean what you said up there?
Ted: Uh-huh. I just want you to be happy Mary.
Mary: But I'd be happiest with you.
Ted: You're fucking with me, right?
[Shakes her head, while smiling]
Ted: What about Brett Favv-ruh?
Mary: What did I tell you the first time we met? I'm a Niners fan.
[Ted laughd, then blows out a breath while walking towards Mary, and then they kiss]

Mary: [about Pat] I know he's a little different, but that's what I like about him. He dresses like a complete dork, he chews with his mouth open, he hardly ever says the right thing, and probably farts, too.
Tucker: Oh, that's what you're looking for, is it? A farter?
Mary: No, I'm looking for a guy.

[after telling Mary that he's an architect]
Pat: Really, it's only a side thing for my true passion.
Mary: And what's that?
Pat: I work with retards.
Mary: Isn't that a little politically incorrect?
Pat: Yeah, maybe, but hell, no one's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with.