Top 20 Quotes From W. Earl Brown

Thomas: I didn't do nothing. She was dead. I didn't come within two feet of her. I'm sorry about what happened, but that's all that I know.
Catherine: If you so much as breathed on this child, the evidence will tell me. You can dope your urine, change your name, compare yourself to Elvis himself, but if you harmed Sandy Dantini, I'm going to get you.

Bill: Once upon a time, I had somebody that I cared about... It was a partner. Somebody I had to look after. And in this world, that sort of shit's good for one thing: Gettin' you killed. So you know what I did? I wizened the fuck up, and realized it's got to be just me out there.

[When Ted gets his genitals stuck in the zippers]
Charlie: Is it the frank or the beans?
Ted: I don't know, both I guess.
Warren: [from outside] Franks and Beans! Franks and Beans!

Ellie: We're here because you owe Joel some favors, and you can start by taking these off!
[referring to handcuffs dangling from her wrist]
Bill: I owe Joel some favors... is this some kind of joke?
Joel: I'll cut to the chase: I need a car.
Bill: Well, it is a joke. Joel needs a car! Well, if I had one that works, which I sure as hell don't, what makes you think I'd just give it to you? Huh? "Yeah sure, Joel, go ahead, take my car! Take all my food too, while you're at it!
Ellie: By the looks of it, you could lose some of that food.
Bill: [Points a knife at her] You listen to me, you little shit...
Ellie: No, fuck you! You handcuffed me!

Cassidy: And what about you... Sheriff? All this. Last I checked, this kinda questioning was illegal.
Hugo: Not in Texas.
[Cocks gun]
Hugo: Not when a man's looking for his son.
Cassidy: Are you really looking for him, though, is what I'm wondering? Just come on, be honest with me now, right. Could there not be... like a teeny-tiny part of you that'd be happy if he was just gone?
Hugo: Eugene's a good boy.
Cassidy: I know. I know that. But he's sort of annoyingly good, though. Am I right? Always talking, asking his bloody questions, and that face, I just... I honestly... I don't know how you do it. Having to wake up to that giant, puckered arseface staring at you across the breakfast table day after day...
[Root shoots Cassidy six times, Cassidy falls to the cell floor groaning]
Cassidy: You'll see. This just proves my point exactly. Nobody's perfect.
Hugo: [Root unlocks the cell door] You can go.
Cassidy: [Laying on the cell floor groaning] Ahh. Good. I got to be someplace.

Drash: Skad, hold the line with the Weequay. I'll head up there and snipe down.
Jo: Let me see that thing.
[Drash holds out her blaster]
Jo: With that? Taanti, we need a cycler.
Weequay: [swapping his rifle for the blaster] Good luck.

Henry: Wow, you ate that whole thing?
Frick: Why, sure! It wasn't that much
Henry: That's impressive.
Frick: You should see what I can do in a bed!

Bill: [attempting to start a truck] Battery's dead but the cells are alive.
Joel: Meaning?
Bill: Meaning we push it, get it started, and the alternator will recharge the battery.
Joel: [scoffs, amused] That your guess?
Bill: Look, you wanted a plan B, this is as good as it gets!
Ellie: [walking up to Joel] What're you thinking?
Joel: I'm thinkin' you drive and we push.
[Ellie hops in the car. Joel leans into the window, concerned]
Joel: You gonna be okay with this?
Ellie: Yeah. Not a problem.
Joel: You're doin' a good job. I figure you should know that.
Ellie: I won't let you down with this.

Thomas: [about his carnival] I own this attraction and it's going with me to the next town.
Catherine: It's evidence. It's not going anywhere. Nothing is.
Thomas: [as he steps towards Catherine] What says, you two string beans?
Catherine: It's going to take a lot more than vegetable insults to get us to move.
Thomas: Lady, you don't know who you're messing with.
Catherine: Oh, I know exactly who you are, Mr. Pickens. And if you so much as look at me in the wrong way, I will personally lock you in a cell with someone who's going to do the same thing to you that you've been doing to those little girls.

Joel: Don't you have a plan B?
Bill: You're lucky you're still drawing breath! That was plan A, B, all the way to fucking Z!

Michael: This entire business is built on quid pro quo.

Cobb: [after Mando asks for help from the townspeople] Get the word out. I want all men and women of fighting age to come to town. I want to have a meeting.
Weequay: It's not our problem, Marshal.
Cobb: No, but it might be after they hear what I'm gonna say.

Weequay: [fighting off the Pyke soldiers] They're falling back!
The: [using his thermal vision, he sees a droid approaching] I wouldn't celebrate yet. We got problems.
[two battle droids appear]
The: We got real problems.

Rulon: It's not my fault I look like this.
Kimball: It is, actually. With a low-carb diet and exercise, you could look very different.

Cobb: I still don't see what all that's got to do with me.
The: I need you to lead a garrison. Your people are good fighters, and there's plenty of credits in it for them, too.
Cobb: The peace is intact, Mando. We took out that dragon. My people don't want to fight no more.
The: Your town might be good for now, but it's all part of the same planet. We need good people to step up or the spice is bound to come through these parts.
Cobb: As long as I'm here, that's not a problem, so why should they risk their lives for this Boba Fett?
The: Mos Pelgo might be good right now...
Weequay: Freetown.
The: What?
Cobb: It's called Freetown now.
Weequay: We changed the name. Suits us better.
The: Well, I fought side by side with the citizens of Freetown, and they're brave people, and the Pyke Syndicate has us outnumbered, and we need your help.
Weequay: The town wants no part of it. That's a city folk fight.
The: Is that what you say, too, Marshal?
Cobb: We're square, you and me.
The: Yes, we are. But I didn't think you were one to back down from bullies.
Cobb: See, that's what I like about you, Mando. That big smile of yours lets you get away with anything.
The: There's no easy way to ask for a favor.
Cobb: I'll tell you what. Things are tough around here, but I'll see what I can do.

Hugo: I see that you are no stranger to our criminal justice system.
Cassidy: Uh oh, manila folder time.
Hugo: Assault and battery in Las Vegas.
Cassidy: Let me just say I... Do you know what? I told him right from the get-go, I don't... I don't like magicians.

Bill: Listen, are we square?
Joel: We're square.
Bill: Good. Now get the fuck out of my town.

Ellie: So... why don't you fix one these cars?
[referring to the mass of broken down cars]
Bill: Oh my God, you're a genius. I mean the whole time, why on earth hadn't I thought about fixin' one of these cars?
Ellie: Okay, don't be a dick...
Bill: The tires are rotten and the batteries are dead.

Drash: We have to stop retreating. We need to dig in here.
Weequay: We're getting swamped.
Jo: She says we should stay.
Weequay: Nonsense! We'll get vaporized.
Drash: I grew up a womp hop from here, and if we fall back any further, we'll be cornered with no cover.
Weequay: So, we're gonna die here?
Drash: No. We fight.

Hugo: Vampires, government agents, psychopathic preachers. It's all an unmitigated monster swamp.
Cassidy: That's true. Plonkers and gobshites as far as the eye can see. Still, nobody's perfect. You know?