The Best Hugo Root Quotes

Cassidy: And what about you... Sheriff? All this. Last I checked, this kinda questioning was illegal.
Hugo: Not in Texas.
[Cocks gun]
Hugo: Not when a man's looking for his son.
Cassidy: Are you really looking for him, though, is what I'm wondering? Just come on, be honest with me now, right. Could there not be... like a teeny-tiny part of you that'd be happy if he was just gone?
Hugo: Eugene's a good boy.
Cassidy: I know. I know that. But he's sort of annoyingly good, though. Am I right? Always talking, asking his bloody questions, and that face, I just... I honestly... I don't know how you do it. Having to wake up to that giant, puckered arseface staring at you across the breakfast table day after day...
[Root shoots Cassidy six times, Cassidy falls to the cell floor groaning]
Cassidy: You'll see. This just proves my point exactly. Nobody's perfect.
Hugo: [Root unlocks the cell door] You can go.
Cassidy: [Laying on the cell floor groaning] Ahh. Good. I got to be someplace.

Hugo: I see that you are no stranger to our criminal justice system.
Cassidy: Uh oh, manila folder time.
Hugo: Assault and battery in Las Vegas.
Cassidy: Let me just say I... Do you know what? I told him right from the get-go, I don't... I don't like magicians.

Hugo: Vampires, government agents, psychopathic preachers. It's all an unmitigated monster swamp.
Cassidy: That's true. Plonkers and gobshites as far as the eye can see. Still, nobody's perfect. You know?