The Best Michelle Carpio Quotes

Michelle: [to Arizona] Just to be clear, Dr. Sloan and Dr. Torres were Sofia's parents and then you came around.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: No, I didn't "come around." I'm Sofia's mother. I legally adopted her.
Michelle: Her last names are Sloan and Torres.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I'm gonna have to stop you before you continue for your own sake. You're not going to imply that I'm any less Sofia's mother because we don't share the same DNA. Because that would be offensive. It would be offensive to anyone in the room who has an adopted child or is an adopted child, and for you to say that. I chose to be Sofia's mother! It did not fall into my lap. There was a choice and I could stay or I could run, and I chose motherhood. And it was the best choice that I ever made.

Dr. Callie Torres: I was in a car accident.
Michelle: Can you tell us what you remember about the accident?
Dr. Callie Torres: I don't remember much, but I remember... I remember waking up on the hood of the car and I was covered in glass. I was, um, barely... I'm so sorry.
Michelle: Take all the time you need.
Dr. Callie Torres: I was barely conscious, um, and the only thing that I could feel was just pain all over. I could have died on the hood of that car. And I wanted to give up, but I couldn't because I was pregnant with Sofia. And if I died, she died. So... I had to fight to stay alive for my daughter's sake. Being a mother is the reason I'm still alive today.